Serena Flaherty

Adolescent health, marginalized youth. 


Greenwich, CT

Undergraduate Education

BA, Yale College

Graduate Education

MSN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Yale School of Nursing

Research Interests

Serena is interested in undersanding parenting outcomes and experience of parenting among women who had a first birth in adolescence as they transition into emerging and young adulthood. My research is focused on exploring outcomes and experiences among young women who participated in an early home visiting program clinical trial during their child’s first two years of life. 

Publications and Presentations 


Flaherty, S.C., Sadler L.S. (2011), A Review of Attachment Theory in the Context of Adolescent Parenting. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 25 (2), 114-121.

Faraz, Covelli, A., Flaherty, S., & Mcneils, A.M. (in press). An Innovative Distance-based Mentorship Program for Nurse Practitioner Student-alumni Pairs. Nursing Education Perspectives.


Flaherty, S., Sadler, L.S. (2020, March). Risk and Protective Factors for Parenting Stress Among Adolescent Mothers: An Integrative Literature Review, Poster presented at the 32nd Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Boston, MA. (Conference Cancelled).


YCCI Multidisciplinary Pre-Doctoral Training Program in Translational Research (2020-2021)