YSN Student Policies & Guidelines
The Yale School of Nursing expects students to understand and follow its set student policies and guidelines intended to help students navigate their academic career at YSN. The information provided here includes policies, procedures, guidelines, and resources available to YSN students and outlines the School’s expectations for students. We hope you will return to these resources often as you progress on the path to finishing your degree.
For questions, contact Erin Morelli, Associate Dean of Student Life and Belonging, erin.morelli@yale.edu, 203-650-6484.
As a student it is important that you read, understand and practice Yale School of Nursing’s Mission and Philosophy.
YSN 2024-2025 Bulletin
The bulletin holds essential material and information for the student, including the School’s history, program information, and course descriptions. It also identifies expected outcomes. It represents the agreement between the School and the student.
YSN 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Students must refer to the Academic Calendar for all pertinent dates for their respective academic programs.
Listing of Student Resources & Guidelines
Change in Specialty Policy and Process
Children in YSN Classrooms and Common Areas
Disciplinary Procedures of the School of Nursing
Grading System and Definitions of Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail
HIPAA and Yale Training Requirements
Leave of Absence and Withdrawal
Non-Matriculated Auditors and Students
Part-Time Study for MSN and Post-Master’s Certificate Students
Personal Conduct and Academic Integrity Standards
Policy on Student Participation in Commencement before Completion of Requirements
Poster and Publicity Policy for YSN Student Organizations
Request for a Grade of Incomplete
Satisfactory Academic Progress: Implications for Financial Aid
Sexual Misconduct Resources (see also Resources on Sexual Misconduct in the chapter Yale University Resources and Services)
Student Guidelines for Off-Campus Exams
Student NCLEX-RN Reporting Policy
Student Use of Degree Credentials
Summer Registration for Students
Technical Standards for Admission and Progression
YSN Alcohol Policy for Student-Organized Events
YSN COVID-19 Building Guidelines
YSN Students in Academic Difficulty
Students in the PhD Program can access the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Programs and Policies Bulletin.
Additional Student Guidelines
Dean’s Procedure for Student Complaints
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Guidelines in Case of Occupational Exposure
Service Animal Policy
Students must first register their service animal with the Student Accessibility Services before they are permitted to bring their service animal to the building. Service animals registered with ROD are welcome here at YSN. This includes during classes, meetings, and other events. Non-service animals (pets) are not permitted with the exception of planned occasions, and require prior approval from YSN.
University Statement on Disclosure of Directory Information (reviewed August 2016)
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Students With Associate Degrees in Nursing
All potential RN candidates whose highest degree in nursing is an associate’s degree and who also hold a BS degree in another field will be required to take a community health course in order to be enrolled into the Yale School of Nursing’s master’s degree program. An e-learn course that meets the objectives for N513, Community Health Nursing and Public Health, such as the one offered by the New York State Nurses Association Continuing Education, is acceptable. In addition to providing proof of community health content, the applicant will have to complete a community health related project that can be part of course work prior to graduation. The nature and extent of this project will be co-determined with the respective specialty coordinator. If you are interested in taking the course offered by the New York State Nurses Association Continuing Education, please contact the Office of Student Life and Belonging in order to gain access.