Precepting at YSN

Students at the YSN

Precepting at YSN

YSN currently enrolls over 300 master’s students. While YSN faculty members often precept within their clinical sites, YSN engages more than 600 clinical and courtesy faculty to perform a function crucial to the school’s mission — precepting. Our preceptors extend our curricula into over 500 clinical sites.

There are two programs for Preceptors at YSN:

Preceptors for GEPN

The Graduate Entry Prespecialty in Nursing (GEPN) is a three-year, full-time course of study that combines preparation in basic nursing with advanced preparation in a clinical specialty and nursing research.
GEPN students complete the following clinical rotations: 
  • Care of the Adult Patient 
  • Pediatric Nursing  
  • Care of Childbearing Families
  • Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 
  • Community Health Nursing
As a preceptor, you are an integral part of the educational process of graduate level nurse practitioners. YSN attracts a student body that is diverse, intelligent and from a wide variety of backgrounds. It is exciting to be part of the education of these individuals as they enter advanced practice nursing. Clinical precepting keeps you on your toes clinically and can serve as an incentive for your continuing education.
For more information on precepting for the GEPN program, please contact Mary Nusdeo.

Preceptors for Master’s Program Specialties

There are seven master’s level clinical specialties at YSN: the family nurse practitioner (FNP) specialty, the adult/gerontology primary care nurse practitioner (AGPCNP) specialty, the adult/gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) specialty, the nurse-midwifery (NM) specialty, the women’s health nurse practitioner (WHNP) specialty, the pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) specialty, and the psychiatric–mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) specialty.

Preceptor Contacts

Preceptor Liaisons (PL)
Each MSN program has a designated faculty member serving as the Preceptor Liaison (PL).  Preceptor Liaisons secure and coordinate the clinical assignments for their respective specialty; PL’s work closely with clinical site coordinators to finalize placements for the students. PL’s serve as the main contact for preceptors for any questions and/or concerns re: clinical expectations of students and preceptors.  
If you are interested in precepting for a specific specialty, please contact the respective Preceptor Liaison:

Adult/Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty
Polly Sather, APRN |

Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty & Family Nurse Practitioner Specialty
Tania Hossin, APRN |

Midwifery Specialty & Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Specialty
Kristin Nowak, RN, MSN,

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Specialty
Stephanie Carper, RN, MSN, PNP:

Psychiatric-Mental Health Specialty
Angela Julian, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC:

Susan Boorin, PhD, MSN, PMHNP-BC, Director of Clinical Education PMH Online Program:

Clinical Support Unit (CSU) 
The Clinical Support Unit (CSU) coordinates clinical placements for all YSN students.  This includes processing and maintaining affiliation agreements with clinical agencies; processing and maintaining courtesy faculty appointments for preceptors; processing clinical schedules; ensuring students are compliant and have met all requirements set forth by the various agencies.  The clinical site coordinators will also work with the Preceptor Liaisons to secure new clinical sites and preceptors.

For more information about precepting for the master’s specialties, please contact Emily McDonough.

Clinical Support Unit Team:

  REsponsible for: Contact:
Tracy Chidsey, Director CSU processes; GEPN Clinical Placements; eValue
Emily McDonough, Clinical Site Coordinator MSN Clinical Placements
Dilan Eroglu, Sr. Admin. Assistant Affiliation Agreements, Clinical Schedules
Melissa Nixon, Sr. Admin. Assistant Courtesy Faculty Appointments/Benefits
Mary Nusdeo, Sr. Admin. Assistant GEPN Clinical Schedules
Sandy Storck, Clinical Site Coordinator  Student Compliance / Affiliation Agreements