90 Outstanding Yale Nurses Recipient
Class of 1972
Graduating from YSN’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) program, Carolyn Webster-Stratton, MSN, MPH, PhD, worked as a PNP in Toronto and Alaska, and later became director of the PNP program and founder of a Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington.
Over the next 35 years, Dr. Webster-Stratton developed and tested a series of clinical intervention programs, known as the Incredible Years Series. Now used in more than 40 states and 20 countries, the series is designed to prevent and treat young children with behavior problems. Funded for decades by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Incredible Years Series was selected by the Department of Health and Social Services Center for Substance Abuse Prevention as an exemplary model for other programs.
Dr. Webster-Stratton is a fellow of the American Academy of Nurses, the Association for Psychological Science, the American Psychology Association, and the Division of Clinical Child Psychology. She received the National Mental Health Association Lela Rowland Prevention Award. For Excellence in Prevention in 1997 and the Research Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, 1992–2003.