Nurses in the Age of Climate Change

Event time: 
Monday, April 15, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Yale School of Nursing See map
400 West Campus Drive
Orange, CT
Event description: 

Gary Cohen

President and Co-Founder
Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth

Gary Cohen has been a pioneer in the environmental health  movement for thirty-five years. He has helped build coalitions and networks globally to address the health impacts related to toxic chemical exposure and climate change. Gary is Co-Founder and President of Health Care Without Harm, Practice Greenhealthand Greenhealth Exchange. All three organizations were created to help transform the health care sector to be environmentally sustainable and anchor institutions to support health and resilience in the  communities they serve.

In 2013, he was awarded the Champion of Change Award for Climate Change and Public Health by the Whitehouse. In 2015, Gary received a MacArthur Fellowship and was a recipient of a “genius” grant from the MacArthur Foundation.

Presented by
Yale School of Nursing and Yale School of Public Health


Lunch Provided

Free, but register in advance