Alison Moriarty Daley, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC, FAAN

Alison Moriarty Daley

Professor of Nursing

Chair, MSN Program

Yale School of Nursing - Room 21407

phone: 203-737-2560
fax: 203-785-6455



Alison Moriarty Daley is jointly appointed as a Professor at Yale School of Nursing and the Yale-New Haven Hospital Adolescent Clinic. She is a member of and Specialty Director for the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Specialty and is Chair of the Master in Science Nursing program.   Dr. Moriarty Daley teaches primary care of the adolescent and the clinical course clinical practice in the primary care of adolescents. In her role as a PNP, she is the coordinator and clinician at the Hill-Regional Career School-Based Clinic and clinician at the Adolescent Clinic.

She is founder and co-facilitator, Memories, an art-therapy grief and bereavement group for high school students who have suffered the loss of a loved one as well as chair of the Mayor’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Council for the City of New Haven.

Research Interests/Clinical Practice

Research Interests

Dr. Moriarty Daley’s publications and research focus on adolescent primary care, particularly reproductive care and health risk behaviors of adolescents.  Her doctoral dissertation “The Essential Elements of Adolescent-friendly Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Mixed Methods Study of the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Adolescents” was conducted in 2016. 

Clinical Practice

Alison Moriarty Daley’s clinical practice includes Yale-New Haven Adolescent Clinic and Hill Regional Career Magnet High School School-Based Clinic.

Selected Publications/Presentations


*Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C., & Sadler, L. S. (2020). “Here I don’t feel like a stranger”: Adolescents’ perspectives on school-based health centers. The Journal of School Nursing.  
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Moriarty Daley, A. Searcy, L., Ivey, J., Hickman, D., Derouin, A., Banasiak, N. C. & Keesing, H. (2020). NAPNAP position statement regarding the use and exposure to tobacco products in children, adolescents, and young adults. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 34(6), 630-634. 
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Lestishock, L., Disabato, J., Moriarty Daley, A., Cuomo, C., Seely, A. & Choteau, W. (2020). NAPNAP position statement on supporting the transition from pediatric to adult-focused health care. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 34(0), 390-394. 
*Moriarty Daley, A. M., Lestishock, L., & White, P. H. (2020). Pediatric nurse practitioners’ perspectives on engaging adolescents to shift from pediatric to adolescent-focused health care services. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 34(6), 550–559.
*Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C., & Sadler, L. S. (2019). The essential elements of adolescent-friendly care in school-based health centers: A mixed methods study of the perspectives of nurse practitioners and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 47, 7-17. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2019.03.005 
*Lestishock, L., Moriarty Daley, A. & White, P. (2018).  Pediatric nurse practitioners’ perspectives on health care transition from pediatric to adult health care services. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(3), 263-272. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2017.11.005
Moriarty Daley, A. & Petersen, M. (2018). Teenproofing. Ready, Set, Grow: Raising Healthy Kids, Fall/Winter, 94-97.
*Moriarty Daley, A. & Polifroni, E. C. (2018). “Contraceptive care for adolescents in school-based health centers is essential!” The lived-experience of nurse practitioners. Journal of School Nursing, 34(5), 367-379. doi: 10.1177/1059840517709503.
*Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C. & Sadler, L. S. (2017). “Treat me like a normal person!” A meta-ethnography of adolescents’ expectations of their health care providers. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 70-83. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2017.04.009.
Ia, S., Lindeke, L., Moriarty Daley, A., Samuels, C., & Keesing, H. (2016). Position statement on pediatric health care/medical home: Key issues on care coordination, transitions, and leadership.  Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 30, A17-19. 
*Moriarty Daley, A. (2014). What influences adolescents’ contraceptive decision-making? A meta-ethnography. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 29, 633-640. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2014.05.001
*Moriarty Daley, A. (2013). Adolescent-friendly remedies for the challenges of focus group research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35, 1043-1059. doi:10.1177/0193945913483881
Moriarty Daley, A., Sadler, L. S. & Reynolds, H. (2013). Tailoring clinical services to address the unique needs of adolescents from pregnancy test to parenthood. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 43, 71-95. doi:10.1016/j.cppeds.2013.01.001

Moriarty Daley, A. (2014). What influences adolescents’ contraceptive decision-making? A meta-ethnography. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 29, 633-640. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2014.05.001.

Moriarty Daley, A. (2013). Adolescent-friendly remedies for the challenges of focus group research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35, 1043-1059. doi:10.1177/0193945913483881.

Moriarty Daley, A., Sadler, L. S. & Reynolds, H. (2013). Tailoring clinical services to address the unique needs of adolescents from pregnancy test to parenthood. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 43, 71-95. doi:10.1016/j.cppeds.2013.01.001.

Vaca, F. E., Walthall, J. M., Ryan, S. Moriarty-Daley, A., Riera, A., Crowley, M. J., & Mayes, L. C. (2013). Adolescent balloon analog risk task and behaviors that influence risk of motor vehicle crash injury.  Annals of Advances in Automative Medicine, 57, 77-87.

Vaca, F. E., Summers, D. L., Roney, L., Violano, P. & Moriarty-Daley, A., Dziura, J. & Anderson, C. (2013). Behaviors increasing the risk of crash injury in Latio adolescet males: The influence of acculeration and parent connectedness. Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 57, 369-371. [ABSTRACT]

DeCew, A. E., Hadler, J. L., Moriarty Daley, A., & Niccolai, L. (2013). The prevalence of HPV associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women under age 21: Who will be missed under the new cervical cancer screening guidelines? Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 26, 346-349.  doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2013.06.013.

Marrocco, G., Kazer, M., Neal-Boylan, L., Fennie, K., Coviello, J., & Moriarty, A. (in press). Podcasting as a method of achieving transformational learning in graduate nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education Perspectives.

Moriarty Daley, A., & Hernandez, B. F. (in press). Sexually transmitted infections during adolescence. In T. P. Gullotta and M. Bloom (Eds.), Encyclopedia of primary prevention and health promotion (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

Alexander, K., Moriarty Daley, A., & Dempsey, A. F. (2012). Rationale for reducing the spread of human papillomavirus: Strategies to improve outcomes (CME Multimedia Activity). Journal of Adolescent Health, 50, IBC.

Hodgson, E., Moriarty Daley, A., Damiani, M., Comulada Silverman, P., & Speese-Linehan, D. (2012). Answering the call to action: Helping New Haven teens avoid unintended pregnancy five-year progress report (2007-2012). New Haven, CT: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program at Yale University.

Moriarty Daley, A. (2012). Rethinking school-based health centers as complex adaptive systems: Maximizing opportunities for the prevention of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Advances in Nursing Science, 35, e37-e46.

Smith, E., & Daley, A. M. (2012). A clinical guideline for intrauterine device use in adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 24, 453-462.


Moriarty Daley, A. (2022, March & April). “Teens and STDs: What’s New in the 2021 STD Treatment Guidelines?” (Invited Adolescent Speed Session Presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 43rd Conference of Pediatric Heath Care.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2022, March & April). “Teen Zzzzz: Tips to Help Improve Sleep in 5 minutes (or less)!” (Invited Adolescent Speed Session Presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 43rd Conference of Pediatric Heath Care.
Banasiak, N. & Moriarty Daley, A. (2022, March). “Community Needs Assessment to Meet the Demands of the Acute Care Partners” (Invited Poster Presentation). Trinity Heallth & Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022), “Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement.” Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Ireland.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2021, July). 2021 Spring and Summer Education Series for School-Based Health Care Professionals. “Innovative Approaches to Providing Family Planning Services” (Invited Presentation). School-Based Health Alliance. Webinar.
Moriarty Daley, A., O’Connell, M., Sadler, L. S., & Redecker, N. S. (2021, April). “Something Has to Give”: An Urban Community-Engaged Study of Adolescent Sleep (Invited Poster Presentation).  Sixth Annual Sleep & Symptom Research Symposium.  Yale School of Nursing Center for Biobehavorial Research & Yale School of Medicine Center for Sleep Medicine.  West Haven, CT.
Searcy, L. F. & Moriarty Daley, A. (2021, March). “Stopping the Youth Tobacco Epidemic.” (Invited Podium Presentation).  National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 42nd Conference of Pediatric Heath Care, “One Conference, Two Ways.” Virtual.
Moriarty Daley, A., O’Connell, M., Sadler, L. S., & Redecker, N. S. (2021, March). “Something Has to Give”: An Urban Community-Engaged Study of Adolescent Sleep (Invited Research Podium Presentation).  Trinity Heallth & Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021), “Transforming Healthcare in a Changing World: New Ways of Thinking and Working.” Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Ireland.
Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C., & Sadler, L. S. (2020, March). Adolescents’ Perspectives on School-Based Health Care: A Person-Centered Model of Health Care (Invited Research Podium Presentation). Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020, “Integrated Healthcare: Developing Person-Centred Health Systems.” Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Ireland.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2019, April). The HEEADSSSS Up on Adolescent Sleep: Are Adolescents Screened During School-Based Clinic Well Visits? (Invited Poster Presentation). Fifth Annual Sleep Conference and Research Symposium, Yale School of Nursing, Orange, CT.
Caskey, R., Garner, D. & Moriarty Daley, A. (2018, December) Nurse Practitioners: At the Forefront of HPV-Related Disease (Invited CME Presentation). Medscape Education, New York, NY.
Hansen, C., North, A., Moriarty Daley, A., Niccolai, L. (2018, October). A Pilot Program to Improve Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Status of Adolescents at a School-Based Health Center (Invited Poster Presentation). IDweek 2018. San Francisco, CA.
Moriarty Daley, A. & Swartz, M. (2018, May).  Learning in Practice: School-Based Health Centers and Advanced Practice Nurse Education in Adolescent Health Care. (Invited Poster Presentation).  NETNEP 7th International Nursing Education Conference: Research, Scholarship and Evaluation: Ensuring Nursing Leadership in Education, Practice and Healthcare.  Banff, Canada.
Moriarty Daley, A. & Swartz, M. (2018, April). School Based Health Centers: Learning Opportunities for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners in Adolescent Health Care.  (Invited Poster Presentation). National Association of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 44th Annual Meeting Steering NP Education Toward the Future. Indianapolis, IN.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2018, March). (Invited Research Podium Presentation). The Essential Elements of Adolescent-friendly Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Mixed Methods Study of the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Adolescents. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 39th Conference of Pediatric Heath Care. Chicago, IL.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2018, January). Clinical Pearls for Enhancing Adolescents’ Participation in Their Health.  (Invited Podium Presentation). Connecticut Department of Children and Families Community of Practice Conference. Rocky Hill, CT.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2017, August). “A Shot in the Arm” for the PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (CME YouTube Presentation for NAPNAP members). 801 views
Moriarty Daley, A. (2017, April). “A Shot in the Arm” for the Oklahoma PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation). Oklahoma Chapter of NAPNAP Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Moriarty Daley, A., Peterson, M. & Ia, S. (2017, March). Teen Proof Your Home. (Invited Practice Innovation Poster). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 38th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Denver, CO.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, November). Contraceptive Access in School-Based Health Centers: 
A Community Experience in Creating Change. (Invited Podium Presentation). Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD) and New England Region Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Sex, Drugs and Law Conference, Bedford, NH.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, November). “A Shot in the Arm” for the South Carolina PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation).  South Carolina Chapter of NAPNAP Fall Conference. Columbia, SC.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, November). “A Shot in the Arm” for the Connecticut PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation).  Connecticut Chapter of NAPNAP Conference, New Haven, CT.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, October). “A Shot in the Arm” for the Tennessee PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation). Tennessee Chapter of NAPNAP Dinner Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, October).  The Development of Nursing Knowledge: Complex Adaptive Systems & The Essential Elements of Adolescent-Friendly Care: A Mixed Method Study of the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Adolescents.” UCONN School of Nursing, Theory Immersion Day. (Invited Panel Presentation). Storrs, CT.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, August). “A Shot in the Arm” for the Arkansas PNP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation). 
Munn, N. & Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, May). Playing Games: Strategies for Successful Reproductive Health Classroom Presentations for Adolescents. (Invited Podium Presentation). Connecticut Association of School-Based Health Centers Conference, Fostering Resilient Youth: Creating a Blueprint for a Healthy Future. Southbury, CT.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, April). The Essential Elements of Adolescent-friendly Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Mixed Methods Study of the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Adolescents.  (Research Poster Presentation). ATHENA Research Conference, University of Connecticut School of Nursing. Storrs, CT. 
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, March). “A Shot in the Arm” for the NP to Maximize HPV Education and Vaccination. (Invited Podium Presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 37th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Atlanta, GA.
Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C. & Sadler, L. S. (2016, March). Nurse Practitioners Perspectives on the Essential Elements of Providing Adolescent-friendly Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Delphi Study. (Invited Research Poster). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 37th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Atlanta, GA.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2016, January). Adolescent Acne: Breakout the Treatment Options. Haymarket Medical Education, Paramus, NJ. (Invited CE Presentation).
Moriarty Daley, A. (2015, July). Thinking Outside the Pack: Longer Acting Contraceptive Methods for Adolescents. Haymarket Medical Education, Paramus, NJ. (Invited CE Presentation).
Moriarty Daley, A. & Polifroni, E. C. (2015, March). The Lived-Experience of Nurse Practitioners Providing Adolescents with Contraceptive Care in School-Based Health Centers. (Invited Research Poster). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 36th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care Advancing Pediatrics: Empowering Today’s and Tomorrow’s Leaders. Las Vegas, NV.
Moriarty Daley, A., Polifroni, E. C., Sadler, L. & Beck, C. (2015, March). “Treat Me Like a Normal Person!” Adolescents’ Expectations of their Health Care Providers: A Metasynthesis. (Invited Research Podium Presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 36th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care Advancing Pediatrics: Empowering Today’s and Tomorrow’s Leaders. Las Vegas, NV.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2014, October). Lions, Tigers & Teenagers—Oh My! Tips for Providing Adolescent-friendly Health Care Services. (Invited Podium Presentation) NPWH 17th Annual Premiere Women’s Healthcare Conference. Savannah, GA.
Hsu, K. & Moriarty Daley, A. (2014, April). Challenging Cases in Adolescent STI Management. Keeping It Real: Responding to the Sexual Health Needs of Adolescents: A Program for Connecticut School-Based Health Providers. Sylvie Ratelle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Westbrook, CT.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2014, April) “Treat me like a normal person!” A Metasynthesis of Adolescents’ Expectations of their Health Care Providers. (Poster Presentation).  Eastern Nursing Research Society 26th Annual Scientific Sessions: Prompting Health Across the Life Span: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care. Philadelphia, PA.
Moriarty Daley, A. (2014, March). The Adolescent Health Agenda: Think, Act, Grow. (Invited Podium Presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners NAPNAP 35th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, “Strength in Child Health.” Boston, MA.


Delta Mu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, Dorothy Sexton Mentorship Award, 2022
Visiting Nurses Association of South-Central Connecticut, 50 Top Nurse Practitioner Professors, Nurse Journal, 2021
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2018
Loretta C. Ford Distinguished Fellow Award, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, 2018
Interest Group Poster Award, 2017
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 38th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, Adolescent Health Care Special 
Mu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, Doctoral Award, University of Connecticut, 2016
Yale University School of Nursing, 90 Nurses for 90 Years Award, 2013
Connecticut Nurses Association, Florence S. Wald Diamond Jubilee Award for Outstanding Contributions to Nursing Practice, 2012
Seton Elm-Ivy Award, 2010
Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing, 2007