Angela Crowley, PhD, APRN, PNP-BC, FAAN
During her 32 years of faculty service (1984-2016) Dr. Crowley taught Pediatric and Family Nurse Practitioner masters students, advised doctoral students, chaired several committees at the School of Nursing and the University, and served as the PNP Specialty Coordinator.
Dr. Crowley was the first nurse researcher to address the issue of poor quality child care and the role of nurses to improve children’s health and safety in these settings. She co-founded one of the first special interest groups for the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP). She represented NAPNAP at the White House Conference on Child Care, and presented on a panel addressing quality child care with First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and the Child Health and Development Institute of CT, and the recipient of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Dr. Susan S. Aronson Early Education and Child Care Advocacy Award, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners’ State Award for Excellence, the Nightingale Award VNA of South Central CT for Excellence in Nursing, and the CT Nurses’ Association Presidents’ Award and Virginia A. Henderson Award for Outstanding Contributions to Nursing Research. She served on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependent Care and is Chair of the Child Development Technical Panel for the USDHHS Maternal Child Health Bureau, Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Out-of-Home Child Care Programs (3rd ed). She developed a model health consultation program for the Yale affiliated child care programs and continues to provide mentoring and support.
Dr. Crowley received her BSN from The Catholic University of America, MA in Parent-Child Nursing from New York University, PNP post graduate certificate and PhD from the School of Family Studies from the University of Connecticut.
Research Interests/Clinical Practice
Research Interests
Promoting health and developmental outcomes for children in out-of-home child care settings and their families: the role and impact of nurse child care health consultants, targeted child care interventions to prevent obesity, safe medication administration, inclusion of children with special health care needs, state child care licensing regulations and impact on child health policy, pediatric primary care strategies, and innovative curriculum.
Clinical Practice
Since 1975 she has practiced as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in several primary care practices and created comprehensive pediatric primary care clinics in Bridgeport and Norwalk for low income, at-risk children. She also served in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps.
Selected Publications/Presentations
Crowley, A.A., Ma. T Y-Z, Jeon S. Nurse Child Care Health Consultants, Professional Development, and Accreditation Improve Medication Safety in Child Care Programs. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/15271544221130979
Rosenthal, M.S, Franco-Labarga, A.E , Jeon, S. , Ma, T. , Crowley, A.A. Health and Safety in a Family Child Care Network: An Analysis of Violation Data of Routine, Full Unannounced Inspections
2020 Apr 29. Maternal and Child Health Journal, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22023
Ordway, M.R., Sadler, L.S , Jeon, S , O’Connell, M , Banasiak, N , Fenick, A.M , Crowley, A.A. Canapari, C.c , Redeker, N.S.a: 2020 Apr 19. Sleep health in young children living with socioeconomic adversity. Research in Nursing and Health, DOI: 10.1007/s10995-020-02939-x
Sadler LS; Banasiak N; Canapari C; Crowley AA; Fenick A; O’Connell M; Ordway MR; Sude L; Trevino S; Redeker NS. “If Mommy’s Not Cranky, Everybody Else Survives Another day.” Perspectives on Sleep from Multiethnic Community Parents, Pediatric Providers, and Childcare Providers. 2020 Apr 09. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. UI: 32282623
Redeker, N. S., Ordway, M. R., Banasiak, N., Caldwell, B. Canapari, C., Crowley, A., Fenick, A., Jeon, S., O’Connell, Sude, L., & Sadler, L. S. Community partnership for healthy sleep: Research protocol. Research in Nursing and Health, 18 September 2017. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21840
Magpuri A.T, Dixon J.K, McCorkle, R. & Crowley, A.A. Adapting an Evidence-Based Pediatric Acute Asthma Exacerbation Severity Assessment Tool for Pediatric Primary Care. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2018, 32, 10-20. doi:10.1016/j.pedhc.2017.06.004
Radis, M., Updegrove, S., Somsel, A., & Crowley, A. A. Negotiating Access to Health Information to Promote Students’ Health. Journal of School Nursing, 2016, 32, 81-85.
Rosenthal, M. S., Jeon, S., & Crowley, A. A. Health and safety in family day care homes: Association between regulatory non-compliance and lower median income. Maternal Child Health Journal, 2015 (online).
Alkon,A., Crowley,A., Neelon,S.B., Hill, S., Pan,Y., Nguyen,V., Rose,R., Savage,S., Forestieri,N., Shipman,S., & Kotch, J. B. Nutrition and physical activity randomized control trial in child care centers improves knowledge, policies, and children’s body mass index. BMC Public Health, 2014, 14, 215 (online).
Crowley, A. A., Jeon, S., & Rosenthal, M.S. Health and Safety of Child Care Centers: An Analysis of Licensing Specialists’ Reports of Routine, Unannounced Inspections. American Journal of Public Health, 2013, 103 (10), e1-e7.
Rosenthal, M. S., Crowley, A. A., & Curry, L. Family Child Care Providers’ Self-perceived Role in Obesity Prevention: Working with Children, Parents and External Influences. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2013, 45(6): 595-601.
Crowley, A. A., Cianciolo, S., Krajicek, M., & Hawkins-Walsh, E. Child care health and health consultation curriculum: Trends and future directions in nursing education. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 2012, 17: 2, 129-135.
Torre, C. & Crowley, A. A. The Diffusion of Innovation in nursing regulatory policy: Removing a barrier to medication administration training for child care providers Policy, Politics and Nursing Practice, 2011, 12 (3): 141-149.
Hawkins-Walsh, E., Crowley, A. A., Melnyk, B. M., Beauchesne, M., Brandt, P. & O’Haver, J. Improving health care quality through an AFPNP national nursing education collaborative strengthen to PNP curriculum in mental/behavioral health and EBP: Lessons learned from academic and clinical faculty preceptors. Journal of Professional Nursing, 2011, 27 (1): 10-1.
Gross, D. & Crowley, A. A. 2011. Health promotion and prevention in early childhood: The role of nursing research in shaping policy and practice. 2010. In A. S. Hinshaw & P. Grady, Eds Shaping Health Policy through Nursing Research. New York: Springer Publishing.
Crowley, A. A. (Chair, Child Development Technical Panel). American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association & National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care. Caring for our children: National health and safety performance standards. Guidelines for out-of-home child care programs, 3rd ed. 2011. Washington, DC. American Public Health Association.
Improving Medication Administration Safety in Child Care Centers through Nurse Health Consultants, Professional Development and Accreditation. Invited presentation, Congress 2022, Sigma Theta Tau International, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 24, 2022.
Promoting Medication Administration Safety in Child Care through a Consortium of Schools of Nursing (invited e-poster with R. Cusson, M. Davidson, A. Engler, K. Joerg, J. Palladino, & L. Rebeschi). American Academy of Nursing 2015 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Institute. Washington, D. C. October 15, 2015.
Medication Administration in Child Care: A Comparison of State Child Care Center Regulations with National Health and Safety Standards (invited presentation with S. Viall). American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 29, 2012.
Targeted Research and Dissemination to Change State Child Care Policy. (invited poster presentation with MS Rosenthal, J. Meyers, & G Whitney). Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, CO, Apr 30-May3, 2011.
Monitoring Child Care Health and Safety: Analysis of DPH Child Care Licensing Specialists’ Reports of Unannounced Inspections. (invited presentation with M.S. Rosenthal). National Association of Regulatory Administration Conference. Cincinnati, OH, November 16, 2010.
Medication Administration Risks in Child Care Programs: An Analysis of Licensing Specialists’ Reports of Unannounced Inspections. (invited presentation with M. S. Rosenthal). Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science. Washington, D. C. September 29, 2010.