Gail D’Eramo Melkus, EdD, ANP, FAAN


Dr. Melkus is the Emerita Florence & William Downs Professor in Nursing Research and former Vice Dean for Research at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She was also formerly the Independence Foundation Professor at Yale University School of Nursing.
Dr. Melkus has a sustained interest in eliminating health disparities among vulnerable populations. She is a leader in developing and testing culturally competent models of diabetes care borne from her clinical practice as an ANP. She was a member of a clinical practice group for 26 years where she delivered primary care in the context of specialty endocrine (diabetes/CVD) practice. In this setting, she taught ANP and FNP students.
Her intervention research that focuses on biobehavioral outcomes of self-management interventions has served as a training ground for numerous multidisciplinary scientists. She is currently an investigator or research mentor on numerous funded projects on the prevention and management of chronic conditions.
Dr. Melkus has mentored over 70 pre-doctoral trainees, post-doctoral trainees, interdisciplinary trainees, and early-career investigators in developing their programs of research. The dissemination of this work has resulted in over in 120 publications, and multiple book chapters. In recognition of this work, Dr. Melkus received the inaugural NYU CTSI Mentor Award in 2011, induction into the  STTI Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame in 2015, and the 2020 Eastern Nursing Research Society Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research Award.
She has dedicated these awards to her collaborators and mentees.
Dr. Melkus returns with great excitement to teach at YSN.


Melkus, G.D, Maillet, N., Novak, J., Womack, J.& Hatch-Clein, A. (2002). Primary care  

cancer screening and diabetes complications screening for Black women with  

Type 2 diabetes.   Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 4 (1), 43-48. 


Melkus, G.D., Spollett, G., Jefferson, V., Chyun, D., Tuohy, E., Robinson, T. & Kaisen  

  1. (2004). Culturally Competent Intervention of  

Education and Care for Black Women with Type 2 Diabetes. Applied Nursing  

Research, 17(1):10-20. 


 Melkus G.D., Chyun D., Newlin K., Vorderstrasse A., Jefferson V., & Langerman S.  

           (2010). The Effect of a Diabetes Education, Coping Skills Training, and Care Intervention  

            on Physiological and Psychosocial Outcomes in Black Women with Type 2 Diabetes  

            Biological Research in Nursing, 12(1), 7-19. 


Allen, N., Whittemore, R., & Melkus, G. (2011). A continuous glucose monitoring and  

problem-solving intervention to change physical activity behavior in women with type 2 diabetes: A pilot study. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 13(1), 1091-1099. 


 Nowlin, S., Hammer, M. & Melkus, G.D. (2012). Diet, inflammation, and glycemic  

control in Type 2 diabetes: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 1–21. doi:10.1155/2012/542698 


Dickson V.D., Nocella J., Yoon H.W., Hammer M., Melkus G.D., & Chyun D., (2013)      

           Cardiovascular Disease Self-Care Interventions. Nursing Research and Practice, 1-16. 


Dickson, VV, Melkus, GD, Dorsen, C, Katz, S, Riegel, B (2014). Development and Testing 

            of a Community-Based Skill-Building Intervention to Improve Heart Failure Self-Care 

  Study Protocol, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 30(4 Suppl 1) S14-24.doi:10.1097.       PMID:24831730. 


Dickson, VV, Melkus, GD, Katz, S, Wong, AL, Dillworth, J, Cleland, C, Riegel, B. (2014).   Building Skill in Heart Failure Self-Care among Community Dwelling Older Adults:   

            Results of a Pilot Study. Patient Education and Counseling, 96(2):188-96 doi:10.1016. 


Berry, D.C., Schwartz, T.A., McMurray, R.G., Skelly, A.H., Neal, M., Hall, E.G.,  

           Amaulti, D. J., & ​Melkus, G. (2014). The family partners for health study: a cluster  

           randomized   controlled trial for child and parent weight management. Nutrition &  

          Diabetes (2014) 4, e101; doi:10.1038/nutd.2013.42 Published online 13 January 2014 


 Hackley, B., Kenny, H., Berry, D.C., & Melkus, G. (2014). Excessive weight gain: a 

           mixed method study on ​factors influencing prenatal weight gain in ethnic 

           minority women. Journal of Women’s ​Health, 59 (4), 388-398. 


Newlin K., Nowlin S., Chyun D., & Melkus G. D. (2014). State of the science: diabetes self- 

              management interventions led by nurse principal investigators. Western Journal of  

             Nursing Research, 36 (9), 1111-1157. 


 Sullivan-Bolyai, S., Johnson, K, Cullen, K., Hamm, T., Bisordi, J., Blaney, K., Maguire, L,  

  Melkus, G. (2014). Tried and True: Self-Regulation Theory as a Guiding Framework for  

             Teaching Parents Diabetes Education Using Human Patient Simulation.  Advances in  

             Nursing Science, 37, 340-349. 


Vellone E, Savini, S, Fida, R, Dickson, VV, Melkus, GD, Carod-Artal, FJ, Rocco, G, Alvar 

  (2014) Psychometric Evaluation of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0, Journal of   

            Cardiovascular Nursing. May-Jun, 30(3):229-334, doi: 10.1097. 


Hammer M., Ercolano E., Wright, F., Dickson V., Chyun D., & Melkus G. (2015).  

              Self-Management for Patients with Cancer: An Integrative Review. Cancer Nursing,  

             38(2), 10-26. doi: 10.109. 


Liu, S., Fu, M.R., Hu, S., Wang, V.Y., Crupi, R., Qiu, J.M., Cleland, C., Melkus, G.  

             (2015). Accuracy of Body Weight Perception and Obesity among Chinese  

             Americans. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. DOI: 10.1016/ Epub 2015 May 1. 


Wright, F., Melkus, G.D., Hammer, M., Schmidt, B., Knobf, T., Paul, S.M., Cartwright, F.,  

            Mastick, J., Cooper, B.A., Chen, L., Melisko, M., Kober, K., Aouizerat, B., Miaskowsi,       

  1. (2015). Predictors and Trajectories of Morning Fatigue Are Distinct from Evening Fatigue. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 50(2):176-89. doi: 10.1016.  


Sullivan-Bolyai, S., Crawford, S., Bova, C., Lee, M., Quintos, JB., Johnson, K., Cullen, K.,  

            Hamm, T., Bisordi, J., Ramchandani, N., Fletcher, J., Quinn, D., Jaffarian, C.,  

            Lipman, T., & Melkus. G. (2015). PETS-D (Parent Education Through  

Simulation-Diabetes): Impact on diabetes management outcomes. Diabetes Educator, 41 (5), 537-549, doi:10.1177. 


 Vorderstrasse AA, Melkus GD, Pan W, Lewinski AA, Johnson CM. (2015) Diabetes  

Learning in Virtual Environments: Testing the Efficacy of Self-Management Training and Support in Virtual Environments (Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol). Nursing Research.64 (6):485-93. 


Migliore, C., Vorderstrasse, A., Pan, W. & Melkus, G.D. (2015). Renal Disease Risk Factors 

             Among Risk Groups Comprised of African American Women with Type 2  

             Diabetes: A Secondary Analysis. Diabetes Educator, 41(5), 569-581, doi:10.1177. 


 Nocella, J. M., Dickson, V. V., Cleland, C. M., & Melkus, G. D. (2016). Structure, process,  

        and outcomes of care in a telemonitoring program for patients with type 2 diabetes.  

             Patient Related Outcome Measures, 7, 19–28. 


Hammer, M., Melkus, G., Knobf, M.T., Caspar, C., Fletcher, J., & Cleland, C., (2016).  

Glycemic Status and Infection Risk in Nondiabetic Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients. Biological Research for Nursing, 18(3), 344-350. 


Wright, F., Hammer, M., Paul, S. M., Aouizerat, B. E., Kober, K. M., Conley, Y. P., Kord M.    

Conley, Y., Cooper, B.,  Dunn, L., Levine, J.Melkus, G., &  Miaskowski, C. (2017).  

Inflammatory pathway genes associated with inter-individual variability in the  

trajectories of morning and evening fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy. Cytokine,  

91, 187-210. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2016.12.023 


Reagan, L., Pereira, K., Jefferson, V., Kerider K., Totten, S., Melkus, G. D., Johnson, C., &  

Vorderstrasse, A. (2017). Diabetes self-management in a virtual environment. The  

            Diabetes Educator 43(4), 413-421, doi: 10.1177/0145721717715632. 


 Dunn Navarra, A., Gwadz, M., Bakken, S, Whittemore, R S., Cleland, C., & D’Eramo Melkus, G.  

(2019). Adherence Connection for Counseling, Education, and Support: Research Protocol for a Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal Medical Internet Research Protocols,8(3) e12543. 

Reagan, L.; Nowlin, S., Birdsall, S., Gabbay, J.; Vorderstrasse, A.; Johnson, C. & D’Eramo  Melkus, G. (2019)Integrative Review of Recruitment of Research Participants Through  

             Facebook. Nursing Research, 68 (6):423-432, doi 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000385 


Dunn Navarra, A., Whittemore, R.S, Bakken, S., Rosenberg, M., Gormley, M., Bethea, J., Liang, E., Gwadz, M., Cleland, C., & D’Eramo Melkus (2020). Adherence Self- Management among  

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected Emerging Adults and the Influence of Contextual Factors. Nursing Research, 69(3), 197–209,  



Gormley, M., Knobf, MT., Vorderstrasse, A., Aouizerat, B., Hammer, M., Fletcher J. &  

Melkus, G.D. (2021). Exploring the effects of genomic testing on fear of cancer  

recurrence among breast cancer survivors. PsychoOncology. 2021; 30( 8): 1322– 1331.  


González-Mercado VJ, Henderson WA, Sarkar A, Lim J, Saligan LN, Berk L, Dishaw L,  

McMillan S., Groer M, Sepehri F, Melkus GD. (2021). Changes in Gut Microbiome  

Associated with Co-Occurring Symptoms Development During Chemo-Radiation for  

Rectal Cancer: A Proof of Concept Study. Biol Res Nurs.,23(1):31-41. doi 

10.1177/1099800420942830. Epub 2020 Jul 23. PMID: 32700552; PMCID:  



 Wright, F., Malone, S.K., Wong, A., Dickson, V.V., & Melkus, G.D. (2022). Addressing challenges in recruiting diverse populations for research: practical experience from a 

             P20 Center. Nursing Research. . Epub 2022/01/25.  

             doi:10.1097/NNR.0000000000000577. PubMed PMID: 35067645; PMCID:        



Perez NB, Vorderstrasse AA, Yu G, Melkus GD, Wright F, Ginsberg SD, Crusto CA, Sun  

YV, Taylor JY. (2022). Associations Between DNA Methylation Age Acceleration,    

             Depressive Symptoms, and Cardiometabolic Traits in African American Mothers From    

             The InterGEN Study. Epigenet Insightsdoi:10.1177/25168657221109781. 

             PMID: 35784386; PMCID: PMC9247996. 



Ramos SR., Johnson C., Melkus G., Kershaw T., Gwadz M., Reynolds H., , MD; &  

Vorderstrasse A., (2022). Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Education Using a Virtual  

Environment in Sexual-Minority Men of Color With HIV: Protocol for a Sequential,  

Mixed Method, Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res 11(5):e38348, 1-13 doi 



Perez NB, D’Eramo Melkus G, Yu G, Brown-Friday J, Anastos K, Aouizerat B.(2023). 

 Study Protocol Using Cohort Data and Latent Variable Modeling to Guide Sampling  

Women with Type 2 Diabetes and Depressive Symptoms. Nursing Resesearch. 202:12.  

doi: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000669. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37191342 


Zheng Y, Campbell Rice B, Melkus GD, et al .(2023). Dietary Self-Management Using 

Mobile Health Technology for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Scoping  

Review. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.17(5):1212-1225.  


Johnson CM, D’Eramo Melkus G, Reagan L, Pan W, Amarasekara S, Pereira K, Hassell  

N, Nowlin S, Vorderstrasse A. (2023). Learning in a Virtual Environment to Improve  

Type 2 Diabetes Outcomes: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Form Res. 

20;7:e40359. doi: 10.2196/40359. PMID: 36962700; PMCID: PMC10160930. 


Malone, S. Patterson, F.Grunin, L.,  Yu, G.,  Dickson, VV., Melkus, GD. (2023).  

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effectiveness of a Sleep Intervention in Adults at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome with Short Sleep Duration. Nursing Research, 73(1) 72-80. 


 McCarthy, M., Szerencsy, A.Taza-Rocano, L., Hopkins, S., Devin Mann, Melkus, G.D. 

Vorderstrasse, A., Katz, S. (2024). Implementing a Clinical Decision Support  

to  Improve Physical Activity, Nursing Research 73(3),216-223.