Linda Honan, PhD, MSN, CNS-BC, RN, ANEF, FAAN

Linda Honan

Professor of Nursing

Yale School of Nursing - Room 20407

phone: 203-737-5392
fax: 203-785-6455


Linda Honan is a Professor who has taught in the GEPN Program since 1989; she is responsible for Medical Surgical Nursing didactic, Applied Anatomy, and is Associate Director for Interprofessional Longitudinal Clinical Experience (ILCE) for Yale School of Nursing, Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Physician Associate Program.

She obtained her nursing diploma from the Meriden-Wallingford Hospital School of Nursing, a BSN from Southern Connecticut State University, her MSN from Yale School of Nursing, and her PhD at the University of Connecticut.

A scholar and clinical educator dedicated to understanding and developing effective and innovative techniques for clinical education, Professor Honan has been recognized for her creativity and the development of novel and effective teaching strategies for adult learners with numerous awards. Her research reveals that diagnostic observations can be significantly improved by training in the visual examination of works of art, that the narratives of student experiences can give insight into the process of learning nursing, and aural training with music improves auscultative abilities. She spearheaded the development of the Creative Writing Award and created the books, “Do you see what I see?” which are compilations of students journaling. Additionally, she developed a state wide public education program “Have Bones, Will Travel” which introduces elementary school children and young adults to human anatomy with an emphasis on health and safety.

She edited the first medical surgical textbook for accelerated nursing programs (now in its second edition), and has published qualitative and quantitative research. She is dedicated to understanding and developing effective and innovative techniques for clinical education.

Research Interests/Clinical Practice

Research Interests

Education of adult learners, creative teaching strategies, interprofessional education, qualitative clinical research, and narrative inquiry.

Clinical Practice

Dr. Honan currently precepts ILCE students on 6-4 (surgical trauma unit) at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Selected Publications/Presentations


In Press

Roberts, A., Angoff, N.,  Brissette, D., Dupee. D., Fahs, D., Honan, L., Korbey, S., Roessler, E., Schwartz, M., Shabanova, V., Tetrault, J., Wu, B., Colson, E., Encandela, J.Burnout Among Beginning First-Year Students from Three Health Professional Training Programs. Academic Psychiatry

Peer- Reviewed
Doyle, E., Fahs, D., & Honan, L., (2019) Admission Academic Metrics and Later Success in an Accelerated Master’s Entry Program. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

Fahs, D. B., Honan, L., Gonzales-Colaso, R., Colson, E., (2017). Interprofessional education development: Not for the faint of heart. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2017(8), 329-336, doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S133426

Graham-Hannah, D., Balasco-Cathcart, E., Honan, L., &  Kunisch, J., (2017). Composing growth, Reflection through Narrative. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(6):40-45

Talwalkar, J.S., Fahs, D.B., Kayingo, G. & Honan, L., (2016). Readiness for interprofessional learning among medical, nursing and physician associate students at an American university. Journal for Interprofessional Care. 7:144-148

Honan, L., Shealy, S., Fennie, K., Duffy, T.C., Friedlaender, L., & Del Vecchio, M. (2016) Looking is not seeing and Listening is not hearing: a replication study with Accelerated BSN students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32(5), S30-36.

Pellico L. H., Fahs, D. B., Talwalkar, J., & Kayingo, G., (2015). Interprofessional learning: Perceptions of first year health students.   Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(6), 39-49.

Pellico, L. H., Funk, M., Maynard, M., Fahs, D., Clark, J.T., & David, Y., (2015) Listening to Nurses’ Perspectives on Clinical Alarms, American Journal of Critical Care, September, 24:387-395; doi:10.4037/ajcc2015552.

Rizzolo, L.J., Stewart W.B., Garino, A., and Pellico, L.H.  (2015). Negotiation as a tool to tailor anatomy courses to diverse health programs. In Teaching Anatomy – A Practical Guide. Chan, L.K. and Pawlina, W., eds. Springer, publisher. (

Pellico, L. H., Gilliam, W., Lee, A., Kerns, R. D., (2014). Hearing New Voices:  Registered Nurses and Health Technicians experience caring for chronic pain patients in primary care clinics, The Open Nursing Journal, 8, 25–33. doi:10.2174/1874434601408010025.

Pellico, L.H., Fahs, D. B., & Martinez, P.  (2014). Lessons learned as you begin nursing, in Nursing for the Curious: Why Study Nursing (ISBN 978-1-925128-03-1).

Pellico, L. H., Fennie, K., Tillman, S., Duffy, T. C., Friedlaender; L., Graham, G. (2013), Artwork and Music: Innovative Approaches to Physical Assessment Instruction and Learning. Arts and Health, DOI:10.1080/17533015.2013.838592.

Pellico, L. H., Duffy, T. C., Fennie, K. P., & Swan, K. A. (2012).  Looking Is Not Seeing and Listening Is Not hearing: Effect of an Intervention to Enhance Auditory Skills of Graduate-Entry Nursing Students, Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(4), 234-239.

Pellico, L., Terrill, E., White, P., Rico, J. (2012).  An Integrative Review of Graduate Entry Programs in Nursing, Journal of Nursing Education, 51(1), 29-37.

“Focus on Adult Health Nursing.” 2nd edition. Linda Honan. Editor and chapter writer. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Publishers.


Honan, L.,  (1/31/20). Profile of a Competitive Applicant. 5th annual Pre-health Professions Symposium. Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina

Tetrault, J.M., Honan, L., Roessler, E., Brissette, D., Wu, B., Wilkins, K., Morford, K., Fiellin, D., & Colson, E.. (11/7/19). Bridging the Gap: Development and Implementation of an Interprofessional Workshop Exercise on Taking a Substance Use History. Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction (AMERSA), Boston, MA.

Honan, L., (2/13/19). Integrating the Arts into Clinical Education. Grand Rounds, Yale New Haven Hospital. New Haven, CT.

Honan, L., (10/5/18). How can I continue to love a job that is trying to kill me! Massachusetts Nurses Association. Framingham, Mass.

Honan, L., (5/1/18). Lifting the Veil: Medical Futility as seen through nurses’ stories. Yale Program for Biomedical Ethics and the Yale Pediatric Ethics Program

Honan, L., Fahs, D., Colson, E., Wu, B., Encandela, J., Sherrick, V., O’Neill-Wilhelm, P., Brissette, D., Roessler, E., Marshall, A., Gonzalez-Colaso, R., Chidsey, T., Ginzburg, E., & Schwartz, M., (10/3/17). High Fidelity Simulation in Interprofessional Education: A How-to Approach to Creating, Sustaining and Testing Learning; Banff, Canada

Gonzalez-Colaso, R., Colson, E., Brissette, D., Roessler, E., Honan, L., Fahs, D., Marshall, A., O’Neill-Wilhelm, P., Wu, B., (10/2/17). Exploring Hopes and Fears in Interprofessional Teamwork: A Technique to Facilitate Intergroup Dialogue; Banff, Canada

Brissette, D., Encandela, J., Ginzburg, E., Gonzalez-Colaso, R., Colson, E., Honan, L., Wu, B., Roessler, E., Fahs, D., O’Neill-Wilhelm, P., Kennedy, C., (10/2/17). Evaluation of an Interprofessional Longitudinal Clinical Experience at Yale: What We Learned Along the Way; Banff, Canada

Gonzalez-Colaso, R., Brissette, D., Roessler, E.,  Encandela, J., Colson, E.,  Wu, B., Goldberg, M., Fahs, D., Honan, L.,  (10/2/17). So, You Want to Start an Interprofessional Program in the Clinical Setting? Banff, Canada

Honan, L. & Duffy, T. (2016, January 29th). Invited speaker. Webinar Innovations Project: Replicating an innovative pedagogy for physical examination and problem setting skills. Keynote speaker, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers In Nursing.