Michelle Telfer, DNP, MPH, CNM, FACNM
Dr. Telfer is an Associate Professor in the Midwifery and Women’s Health NP Specialty and a member of the Yale Midwifery Faculty Practice. She is also a faculty member in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences Yale School of Medicine and Yale Institute of Global Health.
She has been at Yale for over a decade and enjoys teaching and precepting the next generation of midwives. Dr. Telfer created a partnership with Makerere University in Kampala Uganda and Mother Health International in Atiak, Uganda to provide midwives, residents, and midwifery students from Uganda, Rwanda and Yale to experience the midwifery model of care and physiologic birth in the clinical setting and the opportunity for collaborative midwifery model of care. She served as co-Director of the Midwifery Specialty from 2021-2024. She is the past Vice President of the CT Affiliate of ACNM and is a member of the ACNM Division of Global Health Engagement Education Committee and a member of the QMNC Research Alliance, part of the Midwifery Knowledge-to-Action @ Yale (https://www.qmnc.org/)
Dr. Telfer received her BA in Philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley in Philosophy and a MPH in Global Health from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She went on to earn a BSN and MSN in Midwifery from Columbia University after serving two years in the US Peace Corps working in maternal and child health. After more than 15 years in clincal practice she earned a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Frontier Nursing University.
Dr. Telfer has been providing full-scope (well care/gyn, family planning, prenatal care, labor & birth and postpartum care) for over two decades in New York City and the greater New Haven area. She came to midwifery after working in global public health in The Gambia, West Africa where she experienced the importance of access to safe midwifery care in low-resource settings. She is passionate about partnering with pregnant people and their families to help them achieve their best health, pregnancy, and birth experiences. All people deserve compassionate, culturally sensitive, and skilled care throughout their lives. She is privileged to be a part of the Yale Midwifery group that strives to provide this care and attends births at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT.
When not working, she enjoys hiking and exploring Connecticut with her dogs and watching her kids compete in high school sports.
Research Interests
Areas of research and interest include reducing unnecessary primary cesarean sections though promoting physiologic birth and avoiding early labor admissions. She is also passionate about promoting quality global maternal and newborn care. Currently, as a Plank Global Fellow, she is working with colleagues in the school of medicine and nursing at Yale and at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda to support advanced midwifery education, clinical excellence and the midwifery model of care to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes. Another area of research interest is in exercise and pregnancy, especially looking at models of group exercise that build community and support to improve outcomes.
She is the co-creator of a Coursera Course, Global Quality Maternal and Newborn Care with Dr. Joan Combellick. This course is based on the Lancet Series on Midwifery’s QMNC Framework and has over 6,000 learners enrolled. https://www.coursera.org/teach/global-quality-maternal-and-newborn-care/course/overview
Selected Publications/Presentations
Telfer, M., Zaslow, R., Nalugo-Mbalinda, S., Blatt, R., Kim, D., Powell Kennedy, H. (accepted 4/2024) A Case Study Analysis of a Successful Birth Center in Northern Uganda. Birth.
Combellick, J., Telfer, M., Basile Ibrahim, B., Novick, G., Morelli, E., James-Conterelli, S., Kennedy, HP. (2022) Midwifery Care During Labor and Birth in the United States. Accepted for publication 9/2022 in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Nandawula, P. Ayebare, E., Nyashanu, M., Telfer, M., Nalugo Mbalinda, S. (2022). Competency of Midwives in Assisting Vaginal Breech Births and Associated Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in Lower Level Health Facilities of Hoima District, Uganda. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, Vol 3. Iss. 9. https://doi.org/10.51168/sjhrafrica.v3i9.243
Telfer, M., Zaslow, R., Chalo Nabirye, R., & Nalugo Mbalinda, S. (2021). Review of midwifery education in Uganda: Toward a framework for intergrated learning and midwifery model of care. Midwifery, 103(August), 103145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103145
Telfer, M., Illuzzi, J., Jolles, D. (2021) Engaging Families to Reduce Cesarean Birth, A Quality Improvement Initiative. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice. September , 2021.
Sibindi, C., Hong, S. I., Kakembo, N., Penny, N., Telfer, M., & Ozgediz, D. E. (2019). Community Identification and Referral of Surgical Congenital Anomalies: A Pilot Assessment in Uganda. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 229(4), e133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2019.08.1086
Illuzzi, J., Telfer, M., & Rubin, P. (2018). Nitrous oxide’s revival in childbirth. Contemporary OB/GYN, 64(5), 7-11. Available at http://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/sites/default/files/legacy/mm/digital/media/obgyn0518_ezine.pdf
Bickler, S., Telfer, M., Sanno-Duanda, B. (2003). Need for paediatric surgery care in an urban area of The Gambia. Tropical Doctor, 33(2), 91-94.
Telfer, M., Rowley J., Walraven G. (2002). Experiences of mothers with antenatal, delivery, and postpartum care in rural Gambia. The African Journal of Reproductive Health, 6(1), 74-83.
Walraven, G., Telfer, M., Rowley, J., & Ronsmans, C. (2000). Maternal mortality in rural Gambia: Levels, causes and contributing factors. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(5), 603–613.
Telfer, M. (9/2023) Invited Presentation. Addressing Rising Maternal Mortality Rates: Improving Access to Quality Maternal Newborn Care Through Community Based Midwifery-Led Care in Nevada. Nevada Biotech Research Alliance. Las Vegas, NV.
Telfer, M., Zaslow, R., Mbalinda, S. (6/2023) Poster Presentation: Applying the QMNC Framework to Midwifery Education Programs in Uganda: Lessons for strengthening midwifery education in LMICs. International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
Telfer, M., Zaslow, R., Kennedy, H. (6/2023) Poster Presentation: Optimizing Community Midwifery Collaboration -A Case Study of a Ugandan Birth Center. International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
Telfer, M. (4/2023) Preparing to Take the AMCB Exam: What students need to know. New England Midwifery Education Consortium Student Day. Zoom
Telfer, M. Podium Presentation Yale Alumni Talk: “Lessons from Northern Uganda: Global Collaborations & a Demonstration of How to Improve the U.S. Maternal-Mortality Crisis”. May 27th, 2023, Yale University, New Haven CT
Telfer, M., Dunder, E., Duplantis, S., Lincoln, K., Traub, C. (11/2022) Guest Presentation. “A Global Midwifery Collaboration: Lessons & Perspectives from an Immersive Student Clinical Program in a Northern Ugandan Birth Center”. Global Affairs and Planetary Health, Yale School of Nursing, Orange, CT.
Kennedy, H. & Telfer, M. (10/2022) Presentation: “Quality Maternal & Newborn Care: Lessons from a Northern Uganda Birth Center”. Yale Doctoral Colloquium. Yale West Campus, Orange, CT.
Faucher, MA., Jolles, D., Telfer, M., Yount-Tavener, S. (10/2022) Research Panel Presentation: “Exploring Physical Activity and Relevant Midwifery Practice in a Birth Center Population. American Association of Birth Centers Institute Conference. San Diego, CA.
Telfer, M., Zaslow, R., Kennedy, HP. (9/2022) Podium Presentation: An Ethnography of a Birth Center in Northern Uganda: A Demonstration of High Quality and Integrated Care. International Normal Labour & Birth Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Telfer, M., Cowlin, A., Kennedy, HP. (9/2022) Poster Presentation: Body Trust: Women’s experience and outcomes in a group dance-for-health pregnancy program. International Normal Labour & Birth Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Cowlin, A. & Telfer, M. (5/2022) Podium Presentation: Birthing Fit: Developing Skills for Effective Patient Engagement in Perinatal Physical Activity. ACNM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Telfer, M., Mbalinda, S., & Zaslow, R. (5/2022) Podium Presentation: The Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Framework(QMNC): A Deeper Understanding through a living example: Yalla Yalla Birth Center. ACNM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cowlin, A., Telfer, M., & Kennedy, HP. (5/2022) Poster Presentation: Body-Trust: Women’s Experience and Outcomes in a Dance-for-Health Pregnancy Program. ACNM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Pathy, S. and Telfer, M. (12/2021). Panel Presentation: Health Care of Afghan Refugees Part 3: Emergency Care and Women’s Health: Focusing on Women’s Health in the Afghan Refugee Population. Yale School of Medicine, New Haven CT. Virtual
Telfer, M., Mbalinda, S., Clarke Nanyonga, R., Zaslow, R. (9/2021). A Case Study in Creating and Sustaining Effective Global Collaborations. Yale School of Nursing, West Haven, CT.
Sherrick, G., Telfer, M., Opoka, R. , Ogwang, A. (5/2021) Round Table Discussion: Simulation Based Education. Health Professions’ Education Conference. Transforming Health Profession’s Education in the 21st Century: From Theory to Practice. Kampala, Uganda.
Telfer, M. (5/2021) Nitrous Oxide’s Revival in Childbirth. New Mexico Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NMANA) Spring Conference.
Kennedy, H. & Telfer, M. (3/2021) Beyond Do No Harm ‘Do No Harm’ The Salutogenic Capacity of Childbirth. University of Miami School of Medicine Department of OB/Gyn Grand Rounds. Virtual.
Telfer, M. & Combellick, J. (5/2020) Implementing the Midwifery Model of Care: Disseminating Knowledge to Improve Outcomes via a Massive Open Online Course. Virtual International Day of the Midwife, 2020.
Zaslow, R., Spencer, S., Telfer, M., Morelli, E. (2/2020) Advanced Doula Training: Working Together to Reduce Racial Disparities in Health Outcomes in Connecticut. Three day workshop for 42 doulas of color in conjunction with Healthy Start New Haven.
Telfer, M., Kennedy, H., Zaslow, R.(11/2019) Podium Presentation: “Ot Nywal Me Kuc” A Demonstration of Respectful Midwifery Care in Northern Uganda. Yale New Haven Health & Yale University School of Nursing: Evolving Trends in Perinatal Nursing Conference, Orange, CT.
Telfer, M., Kennedy, H., Zaslow, R.(11/2019) Presentation: “Ot Nywal Me Kuc” A Demonstration of Respectful Midwifery Care in Northern Uganda. Yale School of Nursing.
Sibindi,C., Hong, S. I., Kekembo, N., Telfer, M., Norgrove, P., Sekabira, J., Ozgediz, D. (10/2019) Community identification and referral of surgical congenital anomalies: A pilot assessment in Uganda. Poster Presentation at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA.
Zaslow, R., Mbalinda Nalugo, S., Chalo Nabirye, R., Telfer, M. (9/2019) Podium Presentation: Scaling Up Community-based Midwifery Model of Care: A Collaboration of Makerere University, Yale University & Mother Health International. International Confederation of Midwives, Africa Regional Conference, Windhoek, Namibia
Telfer, M. (7/2019) How to build a simulation: introduction to a simulation template. Presented at a simulation workshop for the Health Professional Education Partnership Initiative, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Telfer, M. (11/2019) Podium Presentation & Panel Discussion: Establishing Partnerships between Universities, Hospitals, & NGOs to Strengthen Nursing & Midwifery: Makerere, Yale & Uganda Birth House Collaboration. Global Nursing Caucus Annual Meeting, Boston MA.
Telfer, M. (5/2019) Panelist: “Think Global, Act Local: Learning from Health Systems Abroad to Serve Diverse Populations at Home”. Yale Healthcare Conference. New Haven, CT
Telfer, M. (5/2019) Podium Presentation: “Fostering Collaboration Between OB/GYNs & Midwives to Improve Perinatal Outcomes in Uganda”. Yale Global Surgery Symposium, New Haven CT, (International)
Telfer, M., Jolles, D., Morelli, E. , Illuzzi, J. (5/2019) Roundtable Discussion: “Implementing a Quality Improvement Practice Bundle to Reduce Early Labor Admissions and Primary Cesareans”. ACNM National Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Zaslow, R., Telfer, M. Kennedy, H. (5/2019): Podium presentation: “Ot Nywal Me Kuc: A Demonstration of Respectful Midwifery Care in Northern Uganda”, ACNM National Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Telfer, M., Jolles, D., Illuzzi, J.(5/2019): Round Table Presentation: “Implementing a Quality Improvement Practice Bundle to Reduce Early Labor Admissions and Primary Cesareans”. ACNM National Meeting, Washington, DC.
Telfer M. (2018, May). Establishment of a midwifery partnership with Yale School of Nursing, the Uganda Birth House, and Makerere University. Presented at the Yale School of Nursing Global Health Symposium, Orange, CT.
Morelli, E., Telfer, M., Ackerman, C., Brady, K., Shaw, S., & Illuzzi, J. (2018, May). Transition to a collaborative practice model: The Yale Vidone Birthing Center story. Poster presented at the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) 63rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Savannah, GA.
Telfer, M., Jolles, D., & Illuzzi, J. (2017, October). Reducing early labor admissions and supporting physiologic birth through evidence-based bundles. Presented at the 12th International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference. Grange Over Sands, Cumbria UK.