Robin Whittemore, PhD, APRN, FAAN

Robin Whittemore

Professor of Nursing

Yale School of Nursing - Room 22005

phone: 203-737-2351
fax: 203-785-6455


Robin Whittemore, PhD, APRN, FAAN is Professor Emeritus at Yale School of Nursing and a Senior Research Scientist at Yale.  Her research focuses on lifestyle change to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes as well as developing and modifying programs to improve health equity in diabetes self-management outcomes. Dr. Whittemore’s research has been funded by NIH and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Research​ Interests

Dr. Whittemore’s research initially focused on adults with type 2 diabetes, specifically in translating theory-based interventions with established efficacy into a new setting, such as modifying the Diabetes Prevention Program for delivery by nurse practitioners in primary care and by visiting nurses and community health workers (CHWs) in public housing communities. She has modified behavioral interventions for adults and adolescents to a technology platform. She has translated an in-person coping skills training program, an obesity prevention program for youth to the internet, an internet program for parents of adolescents with type 1 diabetes, and has used illustrated text messaging to support diabetes self-management for adults in Mexico. Currently, she is evaluating a multi-level intervention to promote patient portal use for adults with type 2 diabetes who access care in community health centers and a peer mentoring program to increase CGM use in Black and Hispanic teens with type 1 diabetes.

Selected Publi​cations

Nam, S., Jeon, S., Ash, G., Weinzimer, S., Dunton, G., Parekh, N., Grey, M., Chen, K., Lee, M., Sajdlowska, A, & Whittemore, R. (2024). Personal and social-built environmental factors of glucose variability among multi-ethnic groups of adults with type 2 diabetes: Research Protocol using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, and Actigraphy. Research in Nursing & Health. DOI:10.1002/nur.22420

Akyirem, S., Wagner, J., Chen, H.N., Lipson, J., Minchala, M., Cortez, K, & Whittemore, R. (2024). Recommendations to address barriers to patient portal use among persons with diabetes seeking care at Community Health Centers: Interview study with patients and health care providers. Journal of Medical Internet Research in Diabetes, DOI: 10.2196/58526

Huang, S., Nam, S., Ash, G., Wu, B., D’Eramo Melkus, G., Jeon, S., McMahon, E., Dickson, V., &Whittemore, R. (2024). Study Recruitment, Retention, and Adherence Among Chinese American Immigrants During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Research 73,  328-336.

Whitehouse CR, Akyirem, S, Petoskey C, Huang S, Lendvai D, Batten J, Whittemore R. (2024). A Systematic Review of Interventions that Address Food Insecurity for Persons with Prediabetes and Diabetes using the RE-AIM Framework. Science of  Diabetes Self-Management Care. doi: 10.1177/26350106241232649

Magny-Normilus, C., Whittemore, R., Nunez-Smith, M., Lee, C., Schnipper, J., Wexler, D., Sanders, J., & Grey, M. (2023). Self-Management and Glycemic Targets in Adult Haitian Immigrants with Type 2 Diabetes: Research Protocol. Nursing Research, 72, 211-217.

Chen, Y., Zhong, Q, Luo, J., Tang, Y., Li, M., Lin, Q., Willey, J.A., Chen, J.L., Whittemore, R., Guo, J. (2022). The 6-month efficacy of an intensive lifestyle modification program on type 2 diabetes risk among rural women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Prevention Science, 23, 1156-1168.

Huang, S., Magny-Normilus, C., McMahon, E., & Whittemore, R. (2022). Systematic Review of Lifestyle Interventions for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period. JOGNN, 51, 115-125.

Whittemore, R., Vilar-Compte, M., De La Cerda, S., Delvy, R., Jeon, S., Burrola-Méndez, S., Pardo-Carrillo, M., Lozano-Marrufo, A., & Pérez-Escamilla, R. (2020). ¡Sí, Yo Puedo Vivir Sano con Diabetes! A Pilot Self-Management Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial for Low-Income Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in Mexico City. Current Developments in Nutrition. 4.  doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa074