Diversity: REACH Is Accepting Applications for Its Training Program

November 25, 2019

REACH (Recognizing and Eliminating disparities in Addiction through Culturally-informed Healthcare) is seeking applicants for its second training program.

REACH is a five-year initiative funded by SAMHSA to cultivate leaders in the Addiction Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine fields and to increase capacity and workforce to provide culturally informed care.

The program, directed by Ayana Jordan, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, wants to recruit 17 scholars, including seven addiction fellows and 10 trainees (medical students, APRN/NP students, PA students, and medical residents in all specialties).
Recruitment is only open to under-represented minority applicants, including American Indian, Alaskan Native, Black or African-American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Non-Caucasian Hispanic or Latinx).

Applications are due December 15, 2019. For information, visit the REACH website.