Dr. Ulrike (Ulli) Muench, who received her MSN ‘05 and PhD ‘12 at Yale School of Nursing, had the results of a research study published in the September, 2018 issue of Health Affairs. Dr. Muench conducted the study along with Dr. Joanne Spetz, both of the Healthforce Center at the University of California in San Francisco. Entitled “California nurse practitioners are positioned to fill the primary care gap, but they face barriers to practice”, it addresses how many nurse practitioners, though well prepared to help bridge the gaps arising from shortages of primary care physicians in California, still often face employment and practice barriers. To maximize the impact that they can have in meeting care needs, the researchers call for expanding education programs in underserved areas, increasing the diversity of the NP workforce, and ensuring that NPs feel empowered to fully use their skills. Read more about Dr. Muench here.