Monica Roosa Ordway, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC, FAAN

Monica Ordway

Associate Professor of Nursing

Yale School of Nursing - Room 20409

phone: 203-737-5354
fax: 203-737-4480


After receiving her bachelor’s in physics from Fairfield University, Dr. Ordway earned her certificate in nursing and MSN from Yale School of Nursing. Dr. Ordway worked as a pediatric nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at an urban practice for many years before returning to Yale to obtain her PhD. She subsequently completed a postdoctoral fellowship under joint mentorship from YSN and the Yale School of Medicine (Psychiatry) from 2011-2013. 

Currently, Dr. Ordway is an Associate Professor at the Yale School of Nursing and the Co-Director of the YSN Biobehavioral and Translational Research Lab. Her program of research aims to examine the biosocial relationships that underlie the association between adverse early childhood experiences and toxic stress with a specific focus on the role of the multidimensional constructs of sleep health in ealry childhood in buffering toxic stress in early childhood. Dr Ordway’s expertise includes various biomarker and objective sleep measurements in early childhood as well as community-based participatory research approaches that aim to reduce health inequities. She is conducting a randomized clinical trial to test the feasibility and acceptability of personalized, multilevel sleep health promotion intervention that she developed called Sleep Well, Bee Well for Early Head Start programs that is now being implemented in Bangladesh (NIH/NINR: R34). Dr. Ordway completed a K23 training grant (K23NR016277) from the National Institute of Nursing Research focused on understanding the relationships among sleep, stress, and health. She hypothesizes that sleep health may be a buffer to toxic stress in early childhood. This hypothesis is informed by her prior years of clinical experience as a primary care PNP and current practice as a PNP specialist at the Yale Pediatric Sleep Clinic that have given her a unique lens through which develop her research questions. 


Dr. Ordway received a National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health, NINR, for her dissertation research. She was a Zigler Fellow at the Edward Zigler Center for Child Development and Social Policy (2012-2013) and a Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar (2010-2011). She was awarded the Anthony DiGuida Delta Mu Research Prize in Nursing (2012) and named one of YSN’s 90 Nurses in 90 years (2013). She was inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 2023.

Research Interests

Dr. Ordway’s current research focuses on indentifying young children living in socioeconomically marginalized communities. Other research interests include: sleep health promotion, sleep health inequities, toxic stress in children; pediatric sleep and stress; and community-engaged programs aimed to support families living with adversity. 

Dr. Ordway’s research was featured in the following article Low-income toddlers are not getting enough sleep: How one pediatric sleep researcher is finding biological evidence.

Selected Publications/Presentations


Senger-Carpenter, T., Zhang, A., Ordway, M.R., Stoddard, S., Voepel-Lewis, T. (under review). Anxiety and Depression Symptoms, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Persistent/Recurrent Pain Across Early Adolescence.

Ling, J., Ordway, M. R., & Zhang, N. (in press). Baseline higher hair cortisol moderated some effects in a healthy lifestyle intervention. Psychoneuroendocrinology

Ordway, MR, Karp, S., Doucette, J., Bahorski, J., Finn Davis, K. (2024). Developing a NAPNAP Research Agenda to Guide Future Research and Quality Improvement in Pediatrics: Process, Challenges, and Future Directions. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare

Kalvas, L.B., Harrison, T.M., Curley, M.A.Q., Ordway, M.R., Redeker, N., & Happ, M.B. (2023). An observational pilot study of sleep disruption and delirium in critically ill children. Heart & Lung, 62, (215 224).

Berger, S., Ordway, M.R., Schoneveld, E., Lucchini, M., Thakur, S., Anders, T., Barnett, N. (2023). The Impact of Extreme Summer Temperatures in the United Kingdom on Infant Sleep: Implications for Learning and Development. Scientific Reports, 13, 10061

Ordway M.R., Sadler LS, Jeon S, Pierre JC, Canapari C, Redeker NS. (2023) Early emergence of racial and ethnic differences in sleep health among toddlers living in low-income families, Sleep Health,

Lucchini, M, Ordway, M.R., Kyle, M., Pini, N., Barbosa, JR., Sania, A., Shuffrey, LC., Fernandez, CR., Fifer, WP., Alcantara, C., Monk, C., Dumitriu, D. (2022) Racial/ethnic disparities in infant sleep in the COVID-19 Mother-Baby Outcomes (COMBO) study. Sleep health, 8(5), 429–439. 

Wang, Z; Li, W.; Cui, N.; Sun, X.; Rong, T.; Deng, Y.; Meng, M.; Ordway, M.R.; Jiang, F.; Wang, G. (2022). The association between child maltreatment and sleep disturbances among preschoolers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 127, 1-11.

Ordway, M.R., Sadler, L. S., Jeon, S., O’Connell, M., Banasiak, N., Fenick, A. M., Crowley, A. A., Canapari, C., & Redeker, N. S. (2020, Apr 19). Sleep health in young children living with socioeconomic adversity. Research in Nursing and Health, 43(4), 329-340.  

Ordway, M. R., Sadler, L. S., Holland, M. L., Slade, A., Close, N., & Mayes, L. C. (2018). A Home Visiting Parenting Program and Child Obesity: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-1076 Note: This paper was reviewed by the editors at New England Medical Journal in their journal watch:

Redeker, N. S., Ordway, M. R., Banasiak, N., Caldwell, B., Canapari, C., Crowley, A., … Sadler, L. S. (2018). Community partnership for healthy sleep: Research protocol. Research in Nursing and Health, n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1002/nur.21840

Sadler, L. S., Condon, E. M., Deng, S. Z., Ordway, M. R., Marchesseault, C., Miller, A., … Weir, A. M. (2018). A diaper bank and home visiting partnership: Initial exploration of research and policy questions. Public Health Nursing, 35, 135-143. doi: doi:10.1111/phn.12378

Ordway, M.R, McMahon, T. J., De Las Heras Kuhn, L., & Suchman, N. E. (2018). Implementation of an evidenced-based parenting program in a community mental health setting. Infant Ment Health J, 39, 92-105. doi: 10.1002/imhj.21691

Ordway, M. R., Sadler, L. S., Canapari, C. A., Jeon, S., & Redeker, N. S. (2017). Sleep, biological stress, and health among toddlers living in socioeconomically disadvantaged homes: A research protocol. Research in Nursing and Health, 40, 489-500. doi: 10.1002/nur.21832


Ordway, M.R. (symposium chairperson), Sadler, L.S., Redeker, N.S. Sleep and biomarkers of stress among toddlers living with socioeconomic disadvantage. Tenth Biennial Pediatric Sleep Medicine Conference, Naples, FL, November 16.

Ordway, MR, Owens, J. (2019). Sleep among children. The Social Epidemiology of Sleep Symposium, Columbia University, Invited speaker to present overview of book chapter in The Social Epidemiology of Sleep, October 4.

Ordway, M.R. (symposium chairperson), Wang, G., Thorpe, K., Staton, S., Smith, S. (2019). Sleep health disparities among children across three continents. World Sleep 2019 meetings of the World Sleep Society, Vancouver, Canada, September 25.

Ordway, MR, Sadler, L.S., Redeker, NS (2019) Individual determinants of sleep in children living with socioeconomic adversity. World Sleep 2019 meetings of the World Sleep Society, Vancouver, Canada, September 25.

Ordway, M.R., Jeon, S., Sadler, L.S., Canapari, C., Redeker, N.S. (2019). Rest-activity circadian rhythm and hair cortisol among toddlers living with adversity. Poster presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC. San Antonio, TX, June 11

Sadler, L.S., Ordway, M.R., O’Connell, M., Banasiak, N., Fenick, A., Crowley, A., Canapari, C., Redeker, N.S. (2019). Parents’ and Providers’ Perceptions about Sleep in Children Living with Economic Adversity. Poster presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC. San Antonio, TX, June 11.