Ann Bartley Williams, EdD, RNC, FAAN
Currently Associate Dean for Research at the University of California Los Angeles School of Nursing, Ann Bartley Williams, EdD, RNC, FAAN, was the Helen Porter Jayne and Martha Prosser Jayne Professor of Nursing at Yale School of Nursing, was Professor of Medicine in Internal Medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and is former leader of the Connecticut AIDS Education and Training Center.
For three decades, Ann practiced as an FNP at the Yale-New Haven Hospital AIDS Clinic, and designed and conducted some of the earliest studies of AIDS among drug users, which earned her recognition by the Centers for Disease Control and was recently inducted into the International Nurse Researchers Hall of Fame. Ann was Acting Executive Director of Yale-China Association from 2008-2009, where she continues as a member of the Board of Trustees.
Since 2004, Ann has been the Nurse Training Consultant for the Harvard AIDS Initiative Vietnam. She co-edited The HIV/AIDS Nursing and Symptom Management text, which was awarded the Nurse Practitioner Best Books of 1998 Award, was a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Fellow at the University of California San Francisco from 1989-1991, and a Fulbright Scholar at the Medical University of Warsaw in 2013.
Ann is currently principle investigator for the UCLA-Xiangya Collaborative Program in HIV Nursing and Mental Health, funded by the Fogarty Center.