90 Outstanding Yale Nurses Recipient
Class of 1970
Judith Belliveau Krauss, MSN, RN, FAAN, has been a member of the YSN faculty since 1971 and served as the School’s dean from January 1985 through June 1998. In July 2000, Judy was appointed master of Silliman College, one of Yale’s 12 residential colleges. She served as chair of the Council of Masters from 2003 to 2009.
In 1985, Judy became the founding editor of Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, a respected practice, research, and policy journal. She served as editor for 20 years. Her fields of interest include health and mental health policy, with particular emphasis on public policies that affect vulnerable populations and leadership in healthcare organizations. She is a noted expert on care of persons with serious and persistent mental disorders.
In 1998, the American Academy of Nursing and the American Nurses Foundation appointed Judy as Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), where she helped conduct the background research for the IOM report America’s Health Care Safety Net: Intact, but Endangered. In October 2005, Judy was inducted into the YSN Hall of Fame. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, whose emphasis is on health professional education reform.