
Each person is a unique biological, psychological, social being, who is influenced by and influences environments. Culture and society shape a person’s values, beliefs, behaviors, and perceptions about health and illness. We believe that individual differences are to be respected, free from bias and stereotyping.

Individuals have the right to accurate and comprehensible information about their health care and available resources. Individuals have the right to participate in decisions concerning their care and their return to health.

Our diverse society is composed of individuals, families, and communities that share a need for health care. We believe in working toward a society in which individuals have equal rights regardless of personal characteristics or genetic differences. Health is a product of a dynamic process in which growth and development enable adaptation to changing environmental demands. We believe that improvement in health care will be facilitated through the collaborative efforts of patients* and health professionals.

Concern for the highest possible quality of life, respect for human value, and commitment to caring are the primary postulates of nursing. Nursing involves an alliance with the patient to promote health, prevent disease, treat selected illness, and maintain or restore function. Nursing services may be provided independently or in collaboration with other health professionals. Nursing draws upon the integration of science and humanism, and theory developed through practice and research. We believe that the Yale School of Nursing has an obligation to effect public and colleague acceptance of the leadership capabilities of the nursing profession.

Faculty are committed to the advancement of nursing knowledge and the improvement of health care. It is our responsibility to shape the design of health care and nursing education systems, because we believe that improving patient care improves education and, likewise, improving education improves patient care. An environment conducive to an interchange of ideas among students, faculty, and administration is essential. The character of University life for faculty and students consists of active teaching and learning, clinical scholarship, and research upon which to base current and future education and practice.

We believe that practice will be improved through sound clinical judgment, scholarship, and research. Those who enter this environment should exhibit a readiness for systematic inquiry and critical thinking, and the ability to contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge and health policy.

* The term “patient” encompasses individuals, families, groups, and communities across the life span in various states of health and illness.