Tyler Quinn

Tyler Quinn

Early childhood cognitive development; School-based interventions; Equitable health


Middletown, CT

Undergraduate Education:

Central Connecticut State University

Graduate Education:

Western Governors University

Research Interests:

Early childhood cognitive development; School-based interventions; Equitable health


Quinn T, Cholette JM, Pinto MG, Schreiber H, Madden MA, Bennett E, Kolmar A, Poole A, Silva CT, Ehrlich L, Navarro OM, Faustino EVS; ATLAS Investigators. Antithrombin activity and central venous catheter-associated thrombosis in critically ill children at high risk of bleeding. (2024). J Thromb Haemost. 2024 Jan;22(1):213-224. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.09.023. Epub 2023 Oct 4. PMID: 37797693.

Extracurricular Activities:

Yale Graduate Intramural Basketball

Senator in the Graduate and Professional Student Senate