About DPEN

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Better health and care for all people living with dementia and those caring for them


To educate and prepare dementia care team members to feel valued, supported, engaged, and capable


  1. Provide state-of-the-science dementia education for advanced practice clinicians and other prescribing-level providers.
  2. Empower nurses of every scope and practice setting to be the team resource for dementia care and advocates for person-centered, equitable care.
  3. Promote principles of health systems science and structural equity throughout the curriculum to improve access, equality, and dementia-capable care systems.
  4. Advance education options for every interprofessional member of the dementia care team with discipline-specific curriculum.
  5. Support persons living with dementia and their care partners through knowledge and skills training to be active participants in the care process.

Contact Us

Please contact Program Manager, Dementia and Palliative Education Network (DPEN), Melinda Schultz | melinda.schultz@yale.edu