Benjamin has a passion for rural health and backcountry innovation, working as a clinician, training new nurse practitioners and teaching wilderness medicine to health care providers.
He currently works in both the emergency room and a full scope family practice in Western Massachusetts. With a BS in nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University, Ben worked as both a cardiac nurse and community health nurse for several years before seeking his advanced degree.
Earning his Masters from Sonoma State University, he took his first job as a PCP working on the rural coast of California, 45 minutes from definitive care, and also developed a program to train new RNs in their unique setting, and lead a clinic wide initiative for team-based case. In his current role, he maintains a full panel, precepts student nurse practitioners, chairs his health center’s on-boarding committee, and also sits on the local hospital’s quality committee. After 2 years of additional study, he was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine, and continues to teach health care providers and non-clinicians alike in basic to advanced skills needed for first response in the backcountr7.
Benjamin has a keen interest in developing strategies for supporting newer clinicians in isolated locales, and exploring the role of the nurse practitioner in austere settings