Title IX
Resources Related to Discrimination and Harassment
Yale is a community committed to fostering an environment of diversity, mutual respect, and intellectual discovery in which all students can thrive. Acts of discrimination and harassment are contrary to the community standards and ideals of our university. Yale does not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, or veteran status.
If you have experienced discrimination or harassment, been witness to a situation, or just need to talk, we encourage you to seek support. When you have concerns or questions, you have a wide range of choices for support.
You can reach out to a Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinator (DHRC) or can talk with others, such as the Dean of Student Affairs or the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility. DHRCs receive concerns and offer advice and guidance related to diversity and inclusion, discrimination and harassment, retaliation, and equal opportunity.
The DHRCs for Yale School of Nursing are Angela Richard-Eaglin (angela.richard-eaglin@yale.edu) and Heather Reynolds (heather.reynolds@yale.edu).
If you would like to talk with someone about sex- or gender- based discrimination including sexual misconduct, you can reach out to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Additionally, The Title IX at Yale website provides information on accessing support, reporting options, policies and definitions; and education and outreach including resources for pregnant and parenting students.
The Deputy Title IX Coordinators for Yale School of Nursing are Erin Morelli (erin.morelli@yale.edu) and Heather Reynolds (heather.reynolds@yale.edu).