Marjorie Tapia is a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner in Morristown, New Jersey.
She currently serves as the Director of Healthcare and Aging Services for the United States Province of the Religious Teachers Filippini, a community of Catholic Sisters.
She received her BSN in 2008 from Boston College and upon graduation began working with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York as an RN coordinator of care for the Congregate Care Program. In 2012, she earned her MSN from New York University, completing the Advanced Practice Nurse program, with a specialization in geriatrics. She transitioned into her nurse practitioner role with the United Health, Optum program providing primary care for older adults within the long-term care setting.
Marjorie is a vowed member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, an international community of Catholic sisters who commit their lives and resources to serve and advocate for those in need around the world. Since entering the Sisters of Mercy, she has served in clinical and administrative roles in non-for-profit skilled nursing facilities.
Her doctoral interests include exploring shared governance models in long-term care facilities and demonstrating their potential for improving patient outcomes.