Jillian Moffett ’24 MSN: Experienced RN Drawn to Complexity, Resilience of Human Body and Mind

May 18, 2024
The Yale School of Nursing (YSN) Class of 2024 holds the distinction of earning diplomas during the school’s centennial year. As graduating students prepare for the conferral of degrees on May 20, YSN is checking in with just a few of the extraordinary students adding hoods to their regalia this year.

Jillian Moffett ’24 MSN

Hometown: San Mateo, California

Specialty: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Acute Care

Concentration: Oncology

Jillian Moffett

You were already an experienced registered nurse (RN) when you applied to YSN. What inspired you want to take the next step in your career and enroll as an RN-entry student?

Jillian Moffett ’24 MSN (left) applied at YSN as an experienced nurse and arrived as an RN-entry student.

I wanted to be part of the conversation. I wanted to be an active participant in analysis of symptoms, broad differential diagnoses, and implementation of holistic care plans. I love the complexity, inter-dependability and resilience of the human body and mind, pediatric patients and their families, and the hospital staff in pediatric acute care. I went back to school so I could learn more, challenge myself and, hopefully someday, contribute to the conversations. 
However, no man is an island, and it was the strength, wisdom, and support of many phenomenal practitioners (Dr. Mary Fisher, MD; Beth Terhune, APRN; Bridget Wylie, RN; Jaimee Marcus, RN) who encouraged me to apply and not only encouraged me to pursue this degree, but also modeled the kind of practitioner, and person, I want to be. I am so very grateful to them for all they have done for me and the communities over the years.

What are your post-commencement plans?

We will be moving to San Francisco, California this summer. I’m hoping to work inpatient at UCSF or Stanford Children’s Hospital in pediatric oncology, stem cell transplant, or their pediatric intensive care unit. 

Jillian MoffettAs you reflect on your years at YSN, what would you like prospective students to know? 

It is a challenging, eye-opening, exhausting, thrilling experience. It requires a lot of hard work but the people I’ve met on the way, the experiences I’ve had and lessons I’ve learned have made it one of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Jillian Moffett centerAs you said earlier “no man is an island.” Is there anyone specific you’d like to thank for helping you reach this goal?

Jillian Moffett ’24 MSN (center) and classmates finding their arrival year on the centennial timeline.

I would be remiss if I did not mention Lauren K. Flagg, DNP, CPNP-AC and Nancy Cantey Banasiak, DNP, PNP, PPCNP-BC, APRN, who were my brilliant, understanding and endlessly patient professors and mentors who challenged and guided me throughout this process. 
Last, I cannot omit the influence of my husband Utah, my friend Jessica, and my parents, whose support was invaluable, cherished, and crucial to who and where I am today. Thank you for everything.

More Commencement Coverage

To read more student profiles and advice from six decades of YSN alumni to the Class of 2024, please visit the Commencement 2024 sidebar on the left (mobile devices, scroll down).

For more information on Yale’s commencement festivities, please visit commencement.yale.edu.