Satisfactory Academic Progress: Implications for Financial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress: Implications for Financial Aid
Process Owners:
Office of Financial
Office of the Registrar
Satisfactory Progress
Federal regulations require Yale to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies to govern students’ eligibility for Federal financial aid (Title IV). SAP refers to students’ success in meeting minimum standards deemed acceptable for their programs of study. All degree-seeking students, regardless of financial aid status, are required to meet the SAP standards of the School of Nursing. Failure to maintain SAP jeopardizes a student’s ability to receive financial assistance (collectively referred to as “financial aid”). Satisfactory progress is measured using a quantitative and a qualitative scale as well as via maximum time frame (MTF). Satisfactory completion of all courses is a prerequisite for progression in the program of study.
Measure of Academic Progress
Full time Enrollment: 8 Credits or more
¾ Time Enrollment: 6-7.99 Credits
½ time Enrollment 4-5.99 Credits
Courses with the following grades will be counted as attempted and not earned (F, F/F, INC, NG, W) because incomplete courses do not receive grades, they are not included in the evaluation of academic progress. Incomplete work must be completed within the first month of the subsequent term or a grade of F will be recorded, as stated in Request for a grade of Incomplete policy.
If a student drops a course during the add/drop period, it will not be included in the evaluation of academic progress. Course withdrawal after the add/drop period of the term will be considered in the evaluation of academic progress. Transfer credits are not accepted; however, selected courses may be waived based on review and approval by faculty. These courses are not included in the qualitative measure of academic progress but are included in the quantitative measure.
Students may receive financial aid for the same course a maximum of two times. Any repeated course over two attempts may not be covered with Federal, private, or institutional aid.
Academic Progress
Maximum Time Frame
The traditional time frame for MSN programs is 2 years full time and 3 years part time. The traditional time frame for GEPN programs is 1 year full time and part time is not an option. The traditional time frame for DNP programs is 5 years part time
Maximum time frame is determined by program and specialty, students must complete their respective programs within the maximum allotted number of credits as listed below:
Qualitative Measure
Students in the GEPN, MSN and PMC programs will need to progress at a pace of 85% at the end of each academic year, this applies to both Full time and part time students. Students in DNP programs will need to progress at a 90% pace. This assessment is calculated by dividing the number of courses the student successfully completed by the number of classes the student attempted. As stated above, this figure will include courses completed via credit waiver. Withdrawn courses will be included in the assessment of a student’s pace of academic progress as defined in the Course withdrawal policy. Incomplete courses are not included in the assessment of pace of academic progress, until the grade is earned in the subsequent term as defined above.
Quantitative Measure
To quantify academic progress, YSN has set within 6 years after matriculation as the maximum time frame for GEPN, MSN and PMC programs and 5 years for all DNP programs for both full time and part time students, in which students must complete their program. This includes any time for approved leave of absences and time for extended study granted by a progress committee consisting of the Division Chairperson, Associate Dean for Student Life, Specialty Director or Program Director, course instructor, and the student’s academic advisor.
To ensure that a student is progressing at a satisfactory pace, the school will assess each MSN, PMC, and DNP student’s progress at the end of each academic year and every semester for GEPN students. If for any reason, the school allows a student who has not satisfactorily progressed within the time limit to enroll at YSN based on special cases or mitigating circumstances, no financial assistance will be available beyond the six years. This includes Federal and university funding and may include private funding.
*Students on miliary leave should refer to the YSN LOA Policy
Financial Aid Warning & Educational Probation
In order to meet SAP, students must satisfy both quantitative and qualitative measures.
For students in the MSN, PMC, and DNP programs an evaluation will take place at the end of each academic year. For students in the GEPN program, students will be evaluated at the end of each term. The financial aid office will notify such students that they will be placed on financial aid warning for the next term. A student on academic warning may continue receiving financial aid for that next term, despite the student not making satisfactory academic progress (SAP). A student can regain eligibility for financial aid by meeting SAP by the end of the term during which they have received a financial aid warning. A student still failing to meet SAP after one term must file an appeal with the Office of Financial Aid to be considered for eligibility the next term. Aa denied appeal will result in the loss of financial aid eligibility.
Financial Aid Appeal
Students who are cited for not meeting SAP, will be contacted by the office of financial aid and be required to complete and submit the Satisfactory academic progress appeal form within 10 business days to the Office of Financial aid. The appeal must include what leads to the student not meeting SAP and include a detailed plan on how the student plans to regain their eligibility. Examples include utilizing the Academic support team, partnering with faculty, or seeking tutoring services. The Office of Financial Aid will review all completed appeals within 5-7 business days and notify students if approval or denial via their email address. If an appeal is denied, a student will lose all financial aid eligibility.