Waive a Course


Receiving course credit toward the requirements for the degree should require demonstration of competence or mastery of the particular subject matter at a graduate level. In the case of a waived course, no grade is recorded on the transcript. If the student has waived an entire course, it will be recorded on the transcript for credit and (instead of grade) with a final grade of “CRW” (credit by waiver).

Please note: students who are approved to waive courses must still register for the course so they can receive YSN credit on their transcripts.


Students may request to waive participation in a YSN course or module on the basis of having had an equivalent graduate level coursework within the past five years. In this case, the student must  present evidence of having successfully completed an equivalent course. The evidence needs to include a transcript documenting the course grade of high pass (B) or higher, and a copy of the course syllabus including objectives, listing of the textbooks, a copy of the course outline, reading list or similar.  The faculty of record reviews the submitted materials and makes the determination of whether the previously completed course(s) meet criteria for waiver of the YSN course. In the case of a waived course, no grade is recorded on the transcript, but the course will be recorded as credit by waiver. 

Important: In rare circumstances, undergraduate coursework and extensive experience may qualify for credit waiver. In this case, and before submitting the request to waive a course form, students should connect with the instructor of record to discuss further. 


It is the faculty member’s individual responsibility to determine eligibility criteria, performance quality and ultimately to decide whether to offer a credit waiver or not. It is also understood that the appropriate chairperson should be consulted and informed of students who have been approved to waive a course. Finally, students who do pursue this option are encouraged to replace the waived content with other learning opportunities as tuition will not be adjusted.

Approved by Executive Committee 9/16/75

Revised Executive Committee 11/82
Administrative Update 7/1/98
bpm 3/5/99
Updated by Executive Council 12/16/15 (reviewed by Academic Leadership 2/11/2016)