Withdrawal from YSN
Reasons for Withdrawal
Withdrawal is termination of the student’s association with the School.
Withdrawal may be initiated by the student or by faculty, and the student may be eligible or ineligible to return.
In rare cases, at the discretion of the dean, the School may withdraw a student if it is determined that the student is a danger to self or others or if the student is unable to act on the student’s behalf to prevent academic and/ or financial jeopardy.
Students in the GEPN year may be withdrawn from the program by the program director and division chair due to a course failure. Failure of a course means the student is unable to progress in the GEPN program.
Withdrawal Procedures
Students who initiate withdrawal are required to complete and submit the withdrawal form that is available at http://nursing.yale.edu/withdrawal-leave-absence.
If a student is withdrawn from the School due to academic failure, the specialty/ program director and the student’s academic adviser will meet with the student to notify the student that the student is being withdrawn from the program. The specialty/program director will follow up with an official letter of withdrawal that includes:
(1) date the student was notified of the withdrawal
(2) rationale for withdrawal
(3) term of withdrawal
(4) signature of the director.
The letter of withdrawal is sent to the student and copied to the Director of Enrollment Management, Associate Dean of Student Life and Belonging, the division chair, and the executive deputy dean.
Upon receipt of the withdrawal form from the student or the official letter of withdrawal from the specialty/program director, the Director of Enrollment Management will notify the YSN Financial Aid Office and the YSN registrar. Tuition charges will be adjusted as specified in Tuition Rebate and Refund Policy.
In the circumstance that the student is withdrawn and ineligible to return, the student’s transcript will state “Withdrawn—ineligible to return” and a letter will be placed in the student’s file by the registrar’s office.
Petition for Readmission
The student who is eligible to return to the program, and desires readmission, must first meet with the specialty/program director and follow up with a formal petition in writing into the School for readmission no later than three months prior to the start of the following academic year.
The written petition should be sent to the specialty/program director, director of enrollment management and associate dean of student life and belonging along with updated transcripts and a résumé or CV.
Petitions will be reviewed by the specialty/program director with the program faculty, and notification of the decision will be sent to the student within a month of receipt. If the student is permitted to return to the program, the specialty/ program director will identify the expectations and requirements, including but not limited to courses. If more than two terms have lapsed, the student will be required to establish clinical competency either through a comprehensive exam or by retaking a clinical course.