Beatrice Renfield Term Professor of Nursing Nancy Schmieder Redeker PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN recently participated in the American Heart Association’s Lifelong Learning Podcast “Getting to the Heart of Sleep Health: Cardiovascular Consequences of Inadequate Sleep.”
“When we think of sleep, it’s very multi-dimensional,” Redeker said, and she offered several tips on how to improve the quality of your snoozing. These include not drinking caffeine after noon, having a warm bath, and listening to quiet music. Cutting down on screen time can also help.
“Right now we’re all a little bit anxious about what’s going on in the world, but even when we’re not, the idea of sitting and looking at your iPad or looking at your phone or taking it to bed with you—that bright light is very alerting and keeps people awake,” Redeker said. “I think the other important message is that people should be doing something relaxing at bedtime.”
Listen to the podcast here, and read the full transcript here.