On October 22, the Graduate Entry Prespecialty in Nursing (GEPN) students at Yale School of Nursing (YSN) swapped their scrubs for dressier duds and cheered their classmates in a celebration of their first significant milestone: the nursing certificate ceremony, signaling the successful completion of their first year and taking the NCLEX licensing exam.
Dean Ann Kurth ’90 MSN, PhD, CNM, MPH, FAAN saluted the 98 GEPNs for their decision to join the nation’s most trusted profession after a year unlike any other.
“Every GEPN class is unique in its own way, that is without a doubt, but your cohort will never know a nursing career before COVID-19,” she said. “You saw the waves flood and ebb. You observed the rounds of testing and the vaccination efforts. Many of you were involved with them. Faced with this immense challenge, you raised your hands and applied to Yale and said: ‘I want to help.’ This is what Yale GEPNs and the APRNS they become, do.”
Lecturer in Nursing Wendy Mackey ’93 MSN, APRN-BC, MSN, CORLN provided the main address and discussed the essence of nursing.
“The things that truly matter when people get sick or are in a time of crisis is the connection to humanity, being present at times of need, and the provision of competent professional care to individuals. To make a difference in our patient’s lives,” Mackey said.
“As nurses, we are present — to provide care, hope, inspiration, guidance, and education — in the happiest and darkest moments, and sometimes — especially over the past 18 months — we are the only listening ear and hand to hold when our patients are alone.”
Starting a new tradition this year, GEPN Chair Dr. Sascha James-Conterelli, DNP, CNM, LM, FACNM, FAAN presented custom YSN stethoscope tags as a gift from the school.
“I encourage you to place this tag on your stethoscope, the one that you take with you to your clinical every day, and wear it with great pride. And on those days when things may not be going quite the way you expected, you can look at the tag and remember that you thrived during your accelerated graduate entry year of nursing, during a pandemic, and online!”
In addition to seeing event video on the on the YSN YouTube channel, viewers can also enjoy the accompanying sounds of a string trio featuring Yale School of Music students Miriam Liske-Doorandish ’22, Adam Newman ’22, and Kate Arndt ’26.
Many congratulations to all the GEPN students:
A-D | Lauren Greenberg | Ali Olson |
Ruka Ademola | Candace Gregg | Uche Onyebuchi |
Mahwish Askari | Kwaku (Joseph) Gyasi | Ruby Parris |
Rashea Banks | Liz Hammond | Shayla Partridge |
Courtney Barlotta | Emily Houston | Harriet Perdikaris |
Morgan Beans | Alyssa Jang | Sajni Persad |
Melia Bernal | Jenilee Jaquez | Haley Pleskow |
Emily Borland | Crystal Johnson | |
Will Bruno | Cami Jones | Q-Z |
Grace Buchloh | Shannon Jones | Jordan Quintin |
Meredith Campbell | Lucila Kaisin | Erica Rayack |
Marissa Chantorn | Chloe Kiester | Ellie Reck |
Monica Checa | Grace Kim | Kevin Richardson |
Dawei Chen | Emily Knowles | Jonathan Roberts |
Yeqi Chen | Ameya Krishnan | Kaitlyn Roberts |
Kendall Cote | Elana Rosenberg | |
Carlie Davis | L-P | Marina Rosenberg |
Helen Day | Kendrick Lau | Devin Shaheen |
Nicole Devaney | Dana Lefland | Maxwell Shaw-Jones |
Rachel Drake | Kathleen Lessard | Neelu Shruti |
Katherine Duarte | Molly Levene | Melinda Silva Grant |
Shreen Dubey | Jessica Levine | Tayisha St Vil |
Olivia Dumont | Lauren Lewis | Olivia Stillman |
Eva Dunder | Kendell Lincoln | Ada Udaya |
Sam Duplantis | Sarah Logan | Ben Venter |
Kylee Martin | Luis Vera | |
E-K | Erin McGrath | Max Vieira |
Ashleigh Evans | Frankie McLaurin | Shiliu Wang |
Lee Fleisher | Grace Mills | Sarah Weas |
Olivia Footer | Briana Mitchell | Elizabeth Weiss |
Hannah Frankel | Daniel Modlinger | Shinelle Wilkins |
Stacey Frizzell | Helen Montie | Dylan Williams |
Chris Fusco | Renata Ndahayo | Disa Yoo |
Leoncia Gillespie | Riana Nicolaysen | Nathan Yuen |
Elizabeth Grant | Kristen Nocka | Yacoba Zwennes |